Effects Of Hearing loss on the academic performance of learner’s with hearing impairment

The Effects Of Hearing loss on the academic performance of learner’s with hearing impairment


Pupils with hearing impairments have the same rights as all other children in spite of their communication barriers. These include the right to access all basic necessities of which education is not an exception. It is however noted that lack of communication hinders them from being able to express their views and receive the same attention that other children receive, be it at home, in school, or in the community where they live. This chapter therefore has eight sub-headings that present the background of the study, statement of problem, purpose of study and study objectives. It will further state research questions, significance of the study, limitations and definition of terms used in the writing.

Background of the study

Hearing provides a basis for almost all kinds of learning an individual is subjected to. From the time a child is born, he/she is at least after some weeks expected to respond to sound stimuli. This becomes possible if one’s auditory systems are perfectly developed. Right at a tender age, children with good auditory perception are able to respond to voices of parents as well as identify them using auditory discrimination. The ability to learn effectively is supported to the fullest by the integration of all the five senses a human being has of which hearing is no exception. In fact, it is significant to note that the early discrimination and response to sound stimuli recorded by the child marks very important characteristics of early development of the auditory system that makes parents cheerful.

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