Knowledge, attitude to and practice of family planning among undergraduate students

Knowledge, attitude to and practice of family planning among undergraduate students

Background to the study

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), family planning enables people and couples to plan for and achieve their desired number and spacing of children, as well as the timing of their births. This is achieved by contraception. The ability of a woman to manage and space her pregnancies has a direct bearing on her health and the result of each pregnancy.
In Sub-Saharan Africa, particularly Nigeria, the use of family planning methods is still low. This is associated with unplanned pregnancies, unsafe abortions, and maternal mortality. Between 1990 and 2015, SDG 5 aims to increase maternal health and reduce maternal mortality by three-quarters. Promoting family planning among women in Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the most crucial treatments for achieving this goal [1, 3].
Numerous studies have been conducted on the factors that influence the utilization of family planning. In some instances, strong correlations between family planning and the sociodemographic, sociocultural, and economical aspects of women have been identified. According to study, women in their forties and fifties are more likely to utilize contraception [4, 5]. Several past research [4, 6, 7] have found a correlation between education and contraception use.

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