List of Igbo Language project topics and materials

Igbo language project topics and materials free pdf download

In  the history of Igbo, a  lot  of people have made efforts to see that the language does not extinct. Starting   from   the   time   of   Dr   S.E Onwu and his committee, whose effort led to the present orthography in see now. Also, scholars  like, Ogbalu, Ugonna, Emenanjo, Nwadike and others, have been  promoting Igbo language. For instance, in an attempt to see that Igbo language stays, Ogbalu single handedly introduced the society for the promotion of Igbo language and culture (SPILC) whose among the objectives according to Nwadike (2002) is to demonstrate the capability of Igbo language to  serve as a language of communication and transaction at all levels of governmental, educational and commercial concern

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List of Igbo Language project topics and materials



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