This work discusses the challenges and benefits of adopting ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in teaching in the post-COVID-19 era, with a focus on Nigeria.  The study used a combination of survey design, personal interviews, direct observations, and structured questionnaires to collect data from entrepreneurs and secondary sources. The study had a sample size of 300 respondents and utilized content validity and the Crobanch’s alpha reliability coefficient to ensure the validity and reliability of the instrument. Four research questions and four objectives were used in the study. The study concludes that the use of ICT tools such as Learning Management Systems and video conferencing are effective in post-COVID-19 teaching, but educators face challenges in using them due to lack of technical skills, inadequate ICT resources, poor internet connectivity, and insufficient training. The study recommends that educators and policymakers address these challenges by providing training and support, ensuring adequate ICT resources, and improving internet connectivity. The study also recommends strategies to cover the teaching and learning gap created as a result of COVID-19 school closures and for the government to provide infrastructural facilities that support online education in all secondary schools.


Background to the study

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes in education worldwide, with most schools and universities being forced to close down and switch to online or blended learning modalities. The rapid shift to remote learning has highlighted the importance of technology in education, and has led to the development of new strategies in teaching that make use of ICT tools. This essay will explore some of the new strategies in teaching that have emerged in the post-COVID-19 era, and will discuss the role of ICT in facilitating these strategies.

One of the most important strategies in teaching that has emerged in the post-COVID-19 era is the use of blended learning modalities. Blended learning combines traditional face-to-face instruction with online learning activities, and has been shown to improve student engagement and learning outcomes (Kirkwood & Price, 2014). Blended learning can be facilitated through the use of various ICT tools such as Learning Management Systems (LMS), video conferencing, and online content creation tools. For example, educators can use LMS platforms to deliver course materials, assignments, and assessments, while video conferencing tools can be used to facilitate synchronous discussions and collaborative activities. Online content creation tools such as interactive videos and digital simulations can also be used to enhance students’ understanding of complex concepts (Mayer, 2014).


Another strategy that has emerged in the post-COVID-19 era is the use of personalized learning approaches. Personalized learning is an instructional approach that tailors the learning experience to the individual needs and interests of each student, and has been shown to improve student motivation and engagement (Pane et al., 2015). Personalized learning can be facilitated through the use of adaptive learning technologies, which use algorithms to analyze students’ learning data and provide customized feedback and recommendations. Adaptive learning technologies can be integrated into LMS platforms and other ICT tools, and can help educators to better understand their students’ learning needs and provide targeted support.

The use of project-based learning (PBL) is another strategy that has gained popularity in the post-COVID-19 era. PBL is an instructional approach that involves students working on complex, real-world problems and developing solutions through collaboration and critical thinking (Barron & Darling-Hammond, 2010). PBL can be facilitated through the use of various ICT tools such as collaborative online platforms, virtual simulations, and online resources. For example, students can use collaborative online platforms to work on group projects and share ideas, while virtual simulations and online resources can be used to provide students with real-world scenarios to analyze and solve.

Finally, the use of gamification is another strategy that has gained traction in the post-COVID-19 era. Gamification involves the use of game design elements such as rewards, points, and badges to motivate and engage learners (Kapp, 2012). Gamification can be facilitated through the use of various ICT tools such as educational games, online quizzes, and interactive videos. For example, educators can use educational games to teach students complex concepts in a fun and engaging way, while online quizzes and interactive videos can be used to provide students with immediate feedback and reinforcement.


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes in education worldwide, and has led to the development of new strategies in teaching that make use of ICT tools. Some of the new strategies that have emerged in the post-COVID-19 era include blended learning, personalized learning, project-based learning, and gamification. These strategies can be facilitated through the use of various ICT tools such as LMS platforms, video conferencing tools, adaptive learning technologies, collaborative online platforms, virtual simulations, educational games, and online quizzes. The use of ICT tools in education has the potential to transform teaching and learning, and can help educators to better.

Statement of the Problem

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant changes in the education sector, with many schools and universities adopting ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in teaching to facilitate remote learning. However, there are several challenges associated with adopting ICT in teaching in the post COVID-19 era. Some of these challenges include:

  • Digital divide: Not all students have access to technology, internet connectivity, or devices necessary for remote learning. This means that some students may not have the same level of access to education as others, leading to a widening achievement gap.
  • Technological skills: Not all students or teachers are proficient in using technology for teaching and learning. This can lead to confusion, frustration, and difficulties in accessing course materials or participating in online classes.
  • Pedagogical concerns: The use of ICT in teaching may require a shift in teaching methods and practices, which may be difficult for some teachers to adapt to. It is important to ensure that the use of technology is integrated with effective pedagogy to promote effective learning.
  • Assessment and feedback: It may be challenging to assess student learning in a remote environment and provide timely feedback to students. Teachers may need to explore new assessment methods and tools that are suitable for remote learning.
  • Infrastructure and support: The adoption of ICT in teaching requires adequate infrastructure and technical support, which may be lacking in some schools or universities. This can lead to disruptions in teaching and learning.

In conclusion, while the adoption of ICT in teaching has many benefits, it is important to address the challenges associated with it to ensure that all students have equal access to education in the post COVID-19 era. This requires addressing the digital divide, providing appropriate training and support for teachers and students, integrating technology with effective pedagogy, and ensuring adequate infrastructure and technical support.


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