REVIEW: How to Make Legitimate Income on XOXO BUSD

XOXO BUSD Review A network marketing company called XOXO BUSD has been set up on the Binance smart chain network using smart contracts. This operates similarly to other network marketing companies using smart contracts, such as Forsage, Lionshare, Supermatrix, Coinsbolt, and others. which asserts that its system is easy, safe, and profitable XOXO BUSD Features … Read more


Under President Mohammedu Buhari’s leadership, Nigeria has suffered a rise in insecurity from 2015 to 2020, a period of six years. Nation-building and national economic development are predicated on national security. This is due to the fact that calm countries draw in global investors, while domestic investors can freely operate the economy with few or … Read more

Perceived effects of Rape on the mental health status of young female adolescents

Perceived effects of Rape on the mental health status of young female adolescents Introduction Rape is regarded as an unethical conduct on a global scale and is not seen as something that is specific to any one nation, ethnicity, or gender. The engagement of young people in illegal activities like drug use and sexual assault … Read more

knowledge and utilization of partograph in the management of labour among the obstetrics care givers

BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY The partograph is an instrument that can be used for a variety of purposes, including the monitoring of labor (Ogwang, Karyabakabo & Rutebemberwa, 2009:27). The utilization of the partograph is a well-known best practice for quality monitoring of labor and, as a result, the prevention of obstructed and prolonged labor, according … Read more

Social Media as Tools for Political Mobilisation For 2023 Presidential Election in Nigeria

Background The importance of having access to relevant political information in a democratic system is widely recognized. When correct, easily digestible, and extensive knowledge is readily available, citizens have the ability to devise their own responses to political events and, as a result, participate in the political process. Social media contribute to the formation of … Read more

M-BANKING: Impact of Mobile Money Adoption and Sustainability of SMEs in Nigeria

Impact of Mobile Money Adoption and Sustainability of SMEs in Nigeria INTRODUCTION Mobile banking has the potential to lower transaction costs, such as those incurred by traveling, which is one of its potential benefits. In the earlier years, consumers in rural regions had to drive to the closest towns in order to get banking services. … Read more

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