The Impact Of Grassroots Challenges To Trash Incinerators In Nigeria

The state of solid waste management in cities of most developing countries is fast assuming the scale of a major social and environmental challenge (Daskalopolous, 1998a). In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) in particular, the combined influence of poverty, population growth and rapid urbanization has tended to worsen the situation (Walling et al., 2004). The gravity of … Read more

Recycling as an effective waste management

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Waste management is a serious issue due to its human health and environmental control implications. It is really a pressing issue the world is facing today, since a high percentage of waste is currently disposed of by open dumping (Schiopu, Apostol, Hodoreanu, and Gavrilescu, 2007; Abdelnaser, and … Read more

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