Educational policies made in Ghana have always had quality as their hallmark. Even though quality has been the main aims of many reforms and policies, the desired quality has not yet been achieved. In this study, an attempt was made to establish the many reasons why private basic schools were doing considerably better than public schools. The descriptive research design was used in this study. Questionnaire was the main tool used for the research. Convenience sampling technique was used in selecting the sample. In all, 70 respondents were chosen for the research. This consisted of all 10 head teachers of the 10 schools,3 teachers from each school brought the total teachers to 30.In the case of the students 3 pupils were chosen by the researcher from each school. In all 30 students were chosen for the study. Data was analyzed using frequencies, percentages, independent sample t-test and one-way ANOVA. Results of the study revealed that private schools were better resourced, had parents of pupils whose socioeconomic status was higher and were more involved in their children’s education. Public schools had more professionally qualified teachers than the private schools. Also teachers should improvise the teaching and learning resources which were not available in the schools to enhance the quality of education in both private and public basic schools in the country
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