Jenifa’s Diary is a film screened as a television program and has been produced to entertain and educate the Nigerian youths most especially. The main character, Jenifa, is known for her hilarious and rib breaking grammatical blunders. However, more importantly, the series draw attention to prevalent social ills with the hope that such attention will assist in encouraging relevant social agencies to mediate, subsequently in alleviating the problems faced by affected people and communities. Most Jenifa’s Diary viewers focus mainly on the main character’s poor linguistic expressions, thereby neglecting the macro level (ideology) implications of the contents of the series. This study however focuses on identifiable social issues and their implications as portrayed in the series. Jenifa, the protagonist, is used as a voice for the oppressed in the advocacy for social justice and communal equity.



Jenifa’s Diary Season 1-10. SceneOneTV App.


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