An Investigation Into Ethno Religious Values And Its Contribution To Governance

An Investigation Into Ethno Religious Values And Its Contribution To Governance


Background to the Study

After the amalgamation of Nigeria in 1914, Nigeria has experienced different kinds of ethnic and religious conflicts which have deeply affected the country’s peaceful co-existence. Thus, it has threatened  the survival of democracy and sustainable development in the country. These twin problems have eaten deep into the social fabric of  the nation such that it is inherent in all spheres of the lives of average Nigerians, thus making the country a ‘mere marriage of convenience’ full of hide and seek relationship in the name of maintaining one unity popularly known as ‘one Nigeria’. The receiving end of all this hypocrisy is a weak democratic process right from the time of independence to date. Ethnicity and  religion has been perceived in general as a major obstacle to the overall social, political and economic development of the country. This was stressed by Otitecited in Azeezthat the ethnic virus has been one of the most important causes of social crisis and political instability in Nigeria.

Nigeria according to Otite  has a total of 374 ethnic groups of which the Hausa/Fulani, Igbo and Yoruba are the dominant ethnic groups, and two dominant religions which are Christianity and Islam. It is pertinent to note that there is a permanent mistrust and suspicion between the major ethnic groups on one hand and between the major and the minor ethnic groups on the other in addition to religious bigotry. This mistrust has paved way for religious and ethnic grumble resulting into much political instability which has greatly threatened the co-existence of Nigeria as a nation. According to Fwa  conflicts conducted in the name of ethnic and religious solidarity often destroys the state structure, levels entire development process and unleashes destructive violence which can threaten the territorial integrity of the country. Due to they power of political leaders who use ethno-religious identities affect they progress of Nigeria because of greed and bias lifestyles which is not meant to be so ,because we are all Nigerians as one but unity is what we lack and it has affected our Country and EconomicActivities sincethe time of Democracy and Independence till dateand it is only bringing Conflicts and Corruption amongst usinstead of a peaceful Nigeria.

Statement of the Problems

It can therefore be argued convincingly that, ethnic and religious consciousness and intolerance continue to impede the nation building process in Nigeria, as every action and inaction ofgovernment isgiven ethnic/religious coloration. Due to intolerance, Nigerians are quick to suspect hostility and hasty at shouting marginalization. Appointments, promotion, retrenchment and retirement etc those are routine administrative issues in other countries are all sensitive issues in Nigeria. This accounts for the reason why despite a century of her ‘nationhood’, socio-political actions are still based on primordial sentiments built around the criteria of ethnicity and religion. Ethnicity and religion have, thus, become a myth which live with Nigerians and which determine their socio-politico-economic actions

The experience in Nigeria since the re-democratization in May 1999 shows that the “termites of ethnic and religious intolerance are beginning to eat into the wood works of our national unity and cohesion”  Since the return of civil rule, the country has witnessed scores of ethno-religious crises  with the gory memory of losses of lives in thousands and properties worth billions of naira. Thus, as the shadow of ethnic and religious intolerance lengthens, the shadow of understanding among the various ethnic groups and religious adherents is growing shorter. “Over the years, the phenomena of ethnicity and religious intolerance have led to incessant recurrence of ethno-religious conflicts, which have given birth to many ethnic militias” (Salawu).

The growing of ethno-religious consciousness and intolerance in the scheme of events in Nigeria coupled with the pressing need for nation building in the country informs this paper

1.3 Research Questions

1 .what are the roles of ethno-religious and Corrupt political leaders on the General public views of Corruption and Bias government.2. How can a building of a United Nigeria be achieved with the midst of ethno-religious Plurality in Nigeria. 3. How can ethno-religious intolerance be avoided as a Clog in the Wheel of Nation Building in Nigeria. 4. What is the Main Aim of ethno-religious activities among corruptpolitical leaders in Nigeria.

1.4 Research Objectives.

The main thrust of this research is to investigation into ethno religious values and its contribution to governance.

The specific objectives are:

  1. To influence the general public on the view of ethno religious and political activities of bias and corrupt leaders
  2. To investigate how Building a United Nigeria in the Midst of Ethno-religious Plurality can be achieved
  3. To analyze Ethno-religious Intolerance as a Clog in the Wheel of Nation Building in Nigeria
  4. Toinfluence people on the Corrupt activities of political leaders in Nigeria,Through Ethno-religious Activities.


This study is hoped to be useful to various segments of the society. It will serve as an addition or contribution to existing literature on the topic and similar ones. It will further serve as a reference material to scholars, religious leaders, students and practitioners who may want to pursue this idea further by providing data to substantiate or refute its claims



1.1.Background of the study

1.2.Statement of the study.

1.3.Research Questions.

1.4.Research objectives.

1.5.Justification for the study.

1.6.Scope of the study.



2.1.Conceptual Clarification of Ethnicity.




2.5.Concept of Nation Building.

2.6.A Brief History of the Roleof Ethnicity and Religion on Democratic process in Nigeria.

2.6.1.The implications of Ethnicity and Religion on the Survival of Democracy in Nigeria.

2.7.Theoretical Framework



3.2.Research design.

3.3.Research settings.

3.4.Sample size/Technique.


3.6.Methods of Analysis.



4.2.Data Presentation.


5.1.1 Introduction.





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