The purpose of this research was to conduct an analysis into President Muhammadu Buhari’s remarks ahead to the March 2015 general elections in Nigeria. This was accomplished through the use of Austin’s (1962) and Searle’s (1969) Speech Act Theory, specifically the illocutionary acts of expressive, commissive, declarative, and directive. Make your case. Make your case. The study looked at President Muhammadu Buhari’s Formal Declaration of Interest in the Presidency, My Manifesto and Vision for Nigeria, his speech at the Chatham House in London, his Acceptance Speech, and his Inauguration Speech. Specifically, the descriptive survey approach was utilized to collect data, and a quantitative research strategy was used to assess the findings. From the fifty sentences designated A through E, one hundred and one speech acts (direct and indirect illocutionary acts) have been selected for further consideration. Each of these utterances contained a total of 10 sentences. The overall relative frequency percentages for the speeches investigated were as follows: direct 28 percent, assertive 60 percent, expressive 16 percent, declarative 20 percent, commissive 42 percent, verdictive 34 percent, and declarative 20 percent. There was also a significant prevalence of aggressive and commissive acts in these speeches. This is a characteristic that candidates often exploit during campaigns in order to mobilize their supporters and win elections. President Muhammadu Buhari is expected to deliver on all of his campaign promises, including a total turnaround and positive transformation in all parts of their country’s life, according to the results of the survey. Specifically, the researcher believes that additional research on President Buhari’s speeches should focus on linguistic style analysis, multimodal discourse analysis, Austin’s Felicity Condition, and Grice’s Cooperative Principle. ..

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