This study assessed the use of audio – visual aids in the teaching of social studies by teachers in junior secondary schools of Kaduna South Local Government Area of Kaduna State. To this end, three (3) research objectives and hypotheses each were formulated and tested in this study. These include to: assess the extent of the availability of audio – visual (aids) materials in junior secondary schools which could enhance the teaching of social studies by its teachers, identify the constraints faced by teachers in the use of audio – visual aids in the teaching of social studies in junior secondary schools. Also, to examine how effective social studies teachers’ have been in the use of audio – visual aids in the teaching of the subject at the junior secondary schools. The research design used in this study was descriptive survey, using researcher designed questionnaire. Respondents in this study were junior secondary school teachers from selected public schools in the study area. There are six (6) secondary schools in the study area with target population of sixty – eight (68) social studies teachers. Although, estimated population of eight thousand, three hundred and eighty – eight teachers are presently in the employment of the Kaduna State Government in the study Local Government Area.. In view of the sizeable target population of the study, a sample size of sixty – eight (68) respondents was adopted for the study. The reason had been that the study adopted purposive sampling technique. Data analyses were undertaken through the use of inferential statistics such as pearson moment correlation statistics at 0.05 alpha level of significance. The findings of this study revealed that significant relationship exists in the opinion of respondents between available audio – visual materials and its ability to enhance the teaching of social studies in junior secondary schools. In addition, the study revealed that constraints faced in the use of audio – visual aids by teachers would adversely affects the teaching of social studies in junior secondary schools if not address. Among others, it was recommended that efforts should be made by appropriate authorities (governments and parents’ teachers association – PTA) to set up committees to look into the issue of facilities in schools from time – to – time with a view to making such available in schools and as well, raise funds for its use and maintenance. The need to establish school/ staff – community complaints unit was also recommended to be looked into to as a matter of urgency to help address issues which affects the smooth operation of the school – teaching and learning processes.
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