Availability And Usability Of Audiovisual Resources And Their Impact On Senior School

Availability And Usability Of Audiovisual Resources And Their Impact On Senior School



Teaching and learning remain an integral part of societal and national development. However, the instruments or apparatus deployed and the output of this educational process in Nigerian tertiary institutions remain a matter of concern. In Nigeria, the educational system is structured into nursery, primary, secondary and tertiary education. Tertiary education, where the university falls under, provides formal education for individuals who have completed secondary education or other smaller degrees.


There, we have undergraduates and postgraduates. According to Onuoha and Chukwueke (2020), the Nigerian school system has continued to experience a series of transformations as a result of the introduction of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the teaching and learning processes, as well as the constant increase in the number of pupils and students, enrolled into the system. The authors further maintained that the duo is now making it difficult for effective teaching and learning to take place without appropriate tools and mechanisms. Among these tools, are audio- visuals or AV resources.According to Anzaku (2011), the term audio-visuals is commonly used to refer to those instructional materials that may be used to convey meaning without complete dependence upon verbal symbols or language.

They serve as aids for training or educational materials directed at both the senses of hearing and sight, used in classroom instructions, library collections or the like, examples may include computers (or a computer lab), films, slides, transparencies, projectors, photographs, maps, posters, charts, audio/video CDs, tape recorder/player, video cassette recorder (VCR) & video cassette player (VCP), Xerox machine among others. Some audio-visual components are like process and experience, for example, dramatizing an event or a procedure or making a diorama (Ashaver & Igyuve, 2013). It is also clear that while some AV resources like motion pictures, require the use of equipment to release their latent value, others do not need equipment at all like an exhibit or a study print. To this end, this designates in common usage both material things as well as processes such as field trips. Anzaku (2011) further states that audio-visual materials include materials and equipment alike, that materials are considered to be a system, or body of content of potential value when put to work, while equipment or instructions, often referred to as hardware components are the means of presenting such content.


Today, one sees these audio-visual resources playing a major role in making teaching and learning permanent. Gopal (2010) stressed that “audio-visual methods do seem to facilitate the acquisition, the retention and the recall of lessons learned, because, they seem to evoke the maximum response of the whole organism to the situations in which learning is done. Natoli (2011) stressed that audio-visual materials are important in the teaching and learning processes because “having seen something, most people remember, for whatever that thing was, it raises an image at a mere mention and can be talked about freely. Additionally, the world is becoming more digitalized, thereby trying to eradicate the manual method of teaching and learning using the chalkboard (Onuoha & Chukwueke, 2020).

Corroborating the assertion, Adamu, Ibrahim, Adamu and Ibrahim (2018) observed that with audio-visuals, the communication of information can be done in a more effectively it can be an effective instructional medium for delivering information. Consequently, AV resources facilitate access to all human knowledge, anytime, and anywhere in a friendly, multi-modal, efficient and effective way by overcoming barriers of distance, language and culture, and by using multiple Internet-connect devices.

It is important to say that the use of audio-visual technology has great significance in colleges, universities and research institutions in the western countries. However, preliminary observations have shown that despite the importance attached to AV resources in the teaching and learning process, most universities in Nigeria do not have either adequate or contemporary AV resources or seem not to be adopting the technology at all. This can be assumed to be caused by poor funding of university education in Nigeria as most of these aids are very expensive. On the other hand, there are speculations that some lecturers in Nigerian universities lack the requisite skills to handle some of these contemporary AV resources for their teaching and learning processes.

This is also not different from the assertion that some university students are not ICT-inclined and exhibit technological phobia. Hence, from the speculations, both the lecturers and students find it difficult to effectively deploy these AV resources in the teaching and learning process in their universities. However, except empirically proven, speculations or assumptions cannot be used to explain the state of availability and utilization of AV resources for teaching and learning in Nigerian universities, hence the reason for the present study which seeks to examine the Availability And Usability Of Audiovisual Resources And Their Impact On Senior School In Oji River Local Government Area,


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