Common Disputes in Eika District in the Ebira region of Kogi State

Eika District is a community located in the Ebira region of Kogi State, Nigeria. Like most communities, Eika District experiences various disputes that affect its social, economic, and political structures. This essay aims to identify some of the common disputes that occur in Eika District and their implications on the community.

One of the most common disputes in Eika District is land disputes. The ownership of land is a sensitive issue that often leads to conflict among community members. In Eika District, disputes over land boundaries and ownership have resulted in violence and deaths in some instances. In a study conducted by Oyewole et al. (2019), it was revealed that land disputes in Eika District are often related to inheritance issues, land-grabbing, and encroachment on communal lands. These disputes not only affect the immediate parties involved but also impact the community’s social cohesion and economic growth.

Another dispute prevalent in Eika District is leadership tussle. In many communities, leadership tussles arise due to conflicting interests, power struggles, and personality clashes. In Eika District, some community members often contest the traditional leadership structure, which is based on a rotation system. According to Yusuf (2017), some community members argue that the rotational system is undemocratic and fails to recognize meritocracy. This argument has led to a power tussle between the traditional rulers and some community members, which has often resulted in violence.

Furthermore, conflicts between farmers and herdsmen are also prevalent in Eika District. As a rural community, agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for many households. However, the activities of herdsmen, who often allow their cattle to graze on farmlands, have led to conflicts between farmers and herdsmen. In a study conducted by Osagbemi et al. (2021), it was revealed that the conflicts often lead to crop destruction, loss of lives and property, and displacement of communities. The conflicts also affect the community’s economic growth, as agriculture is a major contributor to the community’s GDP.

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