Comparative Analysis of Nigeria Foreign Policy Under Muhammadu Buhari Administration 2015-2021
This research paper provided a comparative analysis of foreign policy of Nigeria under Muhammadu Buhari’s military regime 1983- 1985 and his current civilian administration which started in May 2015. Foreign policy is a set of tools or activities developed by states to drive its interest in the international system, and internal and external factors usually influence this. The personality and environment of which leaders assumes leadership also plays an important in defining a state foreign policy. The objective of this paper is to provide a comparative analysis of Buhari’s foreign policy under his military and civilian administration. The research utilizes secondary data from journals, books, newspapers, government reports among others. The findings of the study shows the under Buhari’s military administration relations between Nigeria and ECOWAS was hostile which led to border closures, relations with Nigeria’s former colonial master, United Kingdom was also strained due which resulted to diplomatic rows between both countries, the Buhari administration also continued with Afrocentric policy with continuous call for end to apartheid and colonialism on the continent. While under his civilian government Buhari was able to create friendly relations with ECOWAS member nations, maintained good relations with UK and US, and improve the countries relations with China to improve the country’s economy. The paper concludes that the type of government and environment in the international system with which Buhari served played a role in shaping the foreign policy direction of the state.
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