In addition to the conventional adobe technique of earth construction, compressed earth bricks (CEB) provide a contemporary application of laterite for walls and structures. This study compares the geotechnical attributes of cement and lime stabilized laterite for CEB in order to determine which is best for residential structures. Laterite underwent preliminary research to make sure it had excellent engineering qualities. The 295 x 140 x 100mm bricks were molded using a hand-operated CINVA-ram machine. They were created by replacing 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10% of the laterite with various mixtures of cement and lime. 80 bricks in all were made and allowed to cure for 7, 14, and 28 days. For compressive strength, 60 bricks were employed, while 20 were used to absorb water. All percentage replacements significantly increase according to the findings of the compressive strength for cement stabilization, and they all surpass the 2.0N/mm2 minimum requirement for manually made blocks (NBRRI, 2006). However, owing to lime fixation point, the minimal need for lime stabilization is reached from 6% supplementation. Regarding water absorption capability, cement and lime stabilized CEB are both deemed sufficient for building construction.
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