The Nigeria Custom Service is a strategic income earning agency for the government. However, owing to criminal activities around the borders and other linkage areas, there is high risk of import prohibitions into the country as well as financial loss for the government. This study focuses on The use of ICT by customs in the prevention of crime in Tin can island port Apapa Lagos Nigeria. It reveals ways of implementing ICT facilities to curb these heinous crimes that intercept our effective operations in Tin can island port Apapa Lagos Nigeria. The study made use of cross sectional survey with validated structured questionnaire as method of data collection. In the analysis, mean table was used to present result while frequency table and simple percentage were used to analyze each questionnaire item. The findings revealed major challenges and solutions to the use of ICT facilities for crime detection. The challenges includes unavailability of sufficient ICT facilities like metal detectors, biometric finger print identity system, electronic detectors, bomb detectors, car trackers, faraday cage, phone signal jammers and so on; lack of Custom awareness and usage available tools; poor functionality of available facilities; lack of implementation of newer technologies; poor perception of Custom on the use of some ICT tools for crime detection, etc.. Findings from the research suggests that as a matter of urgency, the government should collaborate to make necessary ICT tools available in Tin can island port Apapa Lagos Nigeria to ensure Tin can island port Apapa Lagos Nigeria safety.
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