De Wit, B (2020), Strategy, An International Perspective
Summary of the Book
Bob de Wit’s renowned text, Strategy, is built on the principle that mastering the subject requires engaging with the diverse and often opposing perspectives within the field. Acknowledging the complexity of answering the question “what is strategy,” the author guides readers through contrasting viewpoints to stimulate discussion and debate. Additionally, real-world case studies emphasize the significance of strategy in business contexts. By placing students at the core of strategic debates, the text fosters essential qualities such as creativity, adaptability, independent thinking, and deep analytical skills necessary for developing strategic expertise.
Table of Contents
Section I – Strategy
- Introduction
- Strategizing
- Missioning and Visioning
Section II – Strategy Content
- Business-Level Strategy
- Corporate-Level Strategy
- Network-Level Strategy
Section III – Strategy Process
- Strategy Formation
- Strategic Change
- Strategic Innovation
Section IV – Strategy Context
- The Industry Context
- The Organizational Context
- The International Context
Section V – Cases
- Zara: Fast Fashion in the Digital Age
- Bitcoin: A Disruptive Innovation or a Bubble Set to Burst?
- ‘Compassion vs Competitiveness’ Dilemma at Novo Nordisk
-’s Business Model and Its Evolution
- Alphabet Inc.: Reorganizing Google
- Renault-Nissan Alliance: Will Further Integration Create More Synergies?
- Time for a Change at The Change Foundation
- Federated Co-Operatives Limited: Change Management
- Netflix Inc.
- Tesla Motors’ Business Model Configuration
- Ricardo Semler: A Revolutionary Model of Leadership
- Huayi Brothers: Strategic Transformation
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