It has been observed that only few secondary schools have operational standard school farms, where practical agriculture can be learnt to complement classroom instructions in secondary schools. The main focus of this paper was to evolve the measures that can be adopted to improve the declining usage and operation of standard school farm in all secondary schools in Ekiti state. The study was a descriptive survey research. The population used comprised all the 602 teachers of agricultural science in both public and private secondary schools in the States. A combination of purposive, stratified and simple random sampling techniques were uesed to select the 160 teachers of agriculture who responded to the 4 sets of questionnaires used. The constructed questionnaires were face and content validated. A test retest method was used and a reliability co-efficient of 0.86 was obtained using Pearson Product Moment Co-relation Co-efficient formula. Frequency counts, percentages, ranking order, mean, standard deviation and t value were used to analyze the data used for the study, and test the formulated hypothesis respectively. The findings of the study revealed, among others, the major causes of the decline and the measures that can be adopted to improve the usage and operation of school farms. The study recommended that the Ministry of Education should give specifications for standard school farms; the Ministry in collaboration with relevant agencies should supervise and assist in funding supply of tools and implements for managing school farm in Ekiti State
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