Nigerian tertiary institutions must expose students to industrial machinery and equipment, professional work methods, and methods for protecting the workplace and its employees in order to bridge the knowledge gap in fields such as engineering and technology, science, agriculture, medicine, and management.
Knowing full well that training is a critical factor in improving workforce efficiency and expertise, and that no society can achieve meaningful progress without encouraging its youth to acquire necessary practical skills that will enable them to harness available resources to meet societal needs- an innovative phenomenon in human resource development and training in Nigerian tertiary institutions by the industrial training fund (ITF) (ITF). This new occurrence was termed The Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES), sometimes known as Industrial Training (IT) (IT).
In 1973, the Industrial Training Fund established the Student Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) (ITF). It is a collaborative endeavor including students, universities, and industry. It is financed by the Nigerian federal government and overseen equally by the ITF and the Nigerian Universities Commission (NUC) (NUC). Post-secondary students (those enrolled in tertiary institutions) can profit from this program by getting experience in the industrial employment environment that they would encounter after graduation. This research discusses a mobile system that can be installed and operated on many mobile platforms (IOS, Android, Windows Phone, and so on) and mobile devices (smartphones and tablets), but is written in web technologies. There are several ways to characterize a mobile-based SIWES placement survey system. This system (Mobile-based SIWES placement survey system) would be a hybrid application that runs inside a native container and renders HTML and JavaScript locally using the device’s browser engine (but not the browser). This method is crucial for avoiding platform-specificity in the system.
There are numerous ways to define a gateway system, depending on your point of view. A portal, in the eyes of a user, is a web system that provides the capabilities and features needed to authenticate and identify persons. It provides a simple, intuitive, tailored, and user-customizable web interface for facilitating access to information and services of critical importance and interest to them. However, to the organization that creates the portal, it is a system that allows the organization to categorize or arrange collections of diverse and many sources of information for dissemination to a large number of users based on their particular rights, needs, and interests. As a result, the primary goal of creating a portal is to efficiently convey vast amounts of information and resources available from several sources to a large number of individuals. A number of projects have been launched in Nigeria and throughout the world to develop portal systems that would make it simpler for higher education institutions to administer and teach their students.
SIWESFEDPOLYOKO is a portal system managed by Anambra State’s Federal Polytechnic, Oko. It is designed to help students who have completed their four-month SIWES course re-establish touch with the University. Students can use the portal’s blog to stay up to speed on their continuing academic program and training obligations.
The University’s problem in dealing with SIWES has yet to be resolved. This concern includes: Difficulty in reading the student’s profile and an inappropriate method of storing student information. The filing of an acceptance letter is a stressful task. As a result, job placement and the weekly SIWES report have been pushed back. The findings of this study will be utilized to develop a user-friendly, cost-effective system that automates virtually all of the actions performed by students and instructors during SIWES.
This project’s goal is to build an Electronic-SIWES administration and processing system. The following are the project’s objectives:
1. Create a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that makes it simple and straightforward to store and retrieve information from the database.
All student and teacher procedures will be digitized.
3. To put in place all of the functionalities required for the proper operation of a SIWES management system.
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