People are using the web in greater numbers than ever before, relying on websites to study companies, compare offers, and form judgments about brands and companies. A website is now a need for any organization, large or small, in today’s digital age. If you don’t have a website for your company, you’re probably losing out on a lot of fantastic chances. A website can be utilized to employ a range of marketing methods that will aid in the growth of your business. The internet has a considerably wider reach than any other kind of advertising. Increased visibility is one of the most essential reasons to have a website. Consumers may prefer to perform preliminary research online before leaving the comfort of their own homes, even if they have heard of your company. Visitors are less likely to get lost if a website includes a map and directions to a company’s shops or offices. Another important advantage of having a website to represent your business is that it gives you credibility. A website will not only give your company respectability, but it will also give the impression that it is larger and more successful than it actually is (Kelvin, 2015).
Websites are also open and accessible 24 hours a day, every day of the year. As a result, your current and potential customers can visit your website whenever they want for support or information about new and upcoming products and services. Your website will be a vital and always-accessible resource for information that might otherwise only be available at your company during business hours (Adewale, 2012).
The bulk of computer schools presently distribute information about their services in a manual approach. This system is frequently inconvenient for a large corporation with a large customer base. Customers sometimes form lines to inquire about and learn more about the services offered, wasting both the computer school’s and the customer’s time.
The purpose of this study is to develop a website for a computer school in order to –
One of the most significant reasons to have a website is to increase visibility. Consumers may want to do some preliminary research online before leaving the house, even if they have heard of your company. Include a map and directions to your company’s shops or offices on your website so that visitors don’t get lost.
2. Availability- A website is available online 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. As a result, your current and potential customers can visit your website whenever they want for support or information about new and upcoming products and services. Your website will serve as a useful and always-available resource for information that might otherwise only be available during business hours at your organization.
3. Product sales- Your website has the ability to offer things at any time. Potential clients are not bound by business hours. Instead, consumers can shop for things anytime they want on the internet. A website with an online store can significantly increase sales.
The automation of the process of computer enthusiasts checking the services and availability of services about a computer school is a broad study, but all of the areas cannot be covered at once, so this work is limited to the automation of the process of computer enthusiasts checking the services and availability of services about a computer school.
A website for any business is an important tool since it allows visitors to search and read about your computer school from anywhere and obtain their data quickly without having to queue at the counter.
The following are some of the research’s key findings:
1. Customers can check the availability of all of the company’s services, phone, or inquire online.
2. To relieve the stress of standing in line at the counter.
3. Easily locate the company using the Google map that is linked into the website.
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