Computer being a versatile data machine has been found very useful in every human Endeavour since its incursion into many fields of study, industry, business, sciences and technology in general. Promotion scheme is being prepared by organization, committees, governments and other business firms; this scheme affects worker‟s salary daily, weekly or monthly. Thus this research work Design and implementation of academic staff assessment and promotion system sought to determine the perception of civil servants promotion manually and identify factors that affect the manual system and the best possible solution as regards the problem associated with it. The researcher also investigated the opinions of the staff towards performance appraisal as a tool of promotion on merit using the computerized system. The tools employed to achieve the designed objectives of the system are system flow chart, program flow chart and visual environment. The parallel change over plan was used for the computerized civil service promotion scheme for efficient implementation with the plan of training the staff. Finally the advent of information technology and computerization will enhance efficiency and make the task easier.




Computer the versatile data processing machine has been found very useful in every human environ since its incursion into many field of study, industry, business, science and technology in general. Promotion is being prepared by organizations, committees, government and other business firms. This scheme also affects workers salary daily, weekly or monthly.

According to Thompson (2008), Promotion is the advancement of an employee’s rank or position in an organizational hierarchy system. Promotion may be an employee’s reward for good performance, i.e., positive appraisal. Before a company promotes an employee to a particular position it ensures that the person is able to handle the added responsibilities by screening the employee with interviews and tests and giving them training or on-the-job experience.

A promotion can involve advancement in terms of designation, salary and benefits, and in some organizations the type of job activities may change a great deal. In many companies and public service organizations, more senior positions have a different title: an analyst who is promoted becomes a “principal analyst”; an economist becomes a “senior economist”; or an associate professor becomes a “full professor”. The amount of salary increase associated with a promotion varies a great deal between industries and sectors, and depending on the what parts of the hierarchical ladder an employee is moving between. In some industries or sectors, there may be only a modest increase in salary for a promotions; in other fields, a promotion may substantially increase an employee’s salary.


The same is true with benefits and other privileges; in some industries, the promotion only changes the title and salary, and there are no additional benefits or privileges (beyond the psycho-social benefits that may accrue to the individual). In some not-for-profit organizations, the values of the organization or the tightness of funding may result in there being only modest salary increases associated with a promotion. In other industries, especially in private sector companies, a promotion to senior management may carry a number of benefits, such as stock options, a reserved parking space, a corner office with a secretary, and bonus pay for good performance. The degree to which job activities change varies between industries and sectors. In some fields, even after an employee is promoted, they continue to do similar work. For example, a policy analyst in the federal government who is promoted to the post of senior policy analyst will continue to do similar tasks such as writing briefing notes and carrying out policy research. The differences may be in the complexity of the files that the individual is assigned to or in the sensitivity of the issues that they are asked to deal with. In other fields, when an employee is promoted, their work changes substantially. For example, whereas a staff engineer in a civil engineering firm will spend their time doing engineering inspections and working with blueprints, a senior engineer may spend most of their day in meetings with senior managers and reading financial reports. In symphony orchestras, when a musician such as a violinist is promoted to the position of concertmaster, their duties change substantially. As a violin player, the individual played the music as part of the violin section. As a concertmaster, the individual plays solo parts, decides on the bowings and interpretation of the music, and leads the violins during performances.

Different organizations grant the hiring and promoting managers different levels of discretion to award promotions. In some parts of the private sector, the senior management has a very high level of discretion to award promotions, and they can promote employees without going through much procedures or formalities such as testing, screening, and interviewing.

In the public sector and in academia, there are usually many more checks and balances in place to prevent favoritism or bias. In many Western public service bodies, when a manager wants to promote an employee, they must follow a number of steps, such as advertising the position, accepting applications from qualified candidates, screening and interviewing candidates, and then documenting why they chose a particular candidate. In academia, a similar approach is used, with the added safeguard of including several layers of committee review of the proposed promotion using committees which include members of other faculty and experts from other

There is no computerised system which takes in the criteria for promotion to determined if a staff is fit for promotion or not. All promotion documents are computed manually and pose a lot of problems when promotion is to be given to staffs. There by there is need for the development of a computerised promotion system so as to eliminate the manual promotion,


Over the years manual methods of promotion scheme has been used. Those method has its problems. It has been proven to be very ineffective and inefficient. Some of the problems are:

  • The job of appraised and promotion is tedious and causes delay.
  • This method encourages fraud, names, ranks and figures are easily manipulated and changed.
  • The manual methods requires people who are competent in statistical/ mathematics related computation to do a reliable job as a result, people of such are very scarce.

The reason to this is because since the world and everything in it are now computerized and programmed for their own special purpose and functions so it is to every human who will operate on it so as to ease stress because very discipline as a course of study is now computerized. It is only the computer that sent a professor to the class room (Ezeani).


The aim of this is on Design and implementation of academic staff assessment and promotion system

The objective of this project work is aimed at:

  • Designing and implementing a computerized staff appraisal and promotion system that will help to eliminate instance of delay and frauds associated with manual appraisal and promotion of workers
  • The promotion modules will help in data processing of all the employees in the civil service commission
  • The system will also enable staffs to know whether or not they are promoted instead of going to the notice board to check.


In view of the rapid development of computer technology in virtually all fields of operation and its use in relation to information management , it has become important to look into the development of an automated staff promotion system to met up with demands of the present that civil service employees, other firm and the society in general in a vital and very important function part of the Nigerian civil service organization and civil servants since it provides services to both parties.


The study aims at designing and implementing of staff appraisal  and promotion system, and that if the designed new system is implemented, it will improve and to a large extent enhance the activities of posing and promotion scheme in civil service office.


In the process of carrying out this research work, some factors tried to hinder the free flow of the work. These factors are:

  1. Time: time factor in the sense that at the process of combining studies with this project work was tedious.
  2. Finance: finance was rather on the lean side and as a result it affected the carrying out of the research in that monetary commitment was needed for photocopying of documents and browsing etc.
  3. Luck-warm attitude of the staff: the staff of the promotion scheme, payroll and other departments was rather hostile and aggressive owing to the fact that they felt if this activity is computerized they might lose their jobs to the computer.


  • Computer: computer is defined as a electronic device that is capable of inputting data and outputting, sorting, storing and retrieving of information stored in it.
  • Civil servant: a civil servant or public servant is a person in the public sector employed by the government department or agency.
  • Promotion: this is the act of moving a person from one level. Grade or positions to another higher or important rank.
  • Appraisal: this is the act of assessing/ examining the qualities or performance of someone or something.
  • Civil service: the term civil service can refer to either:A branch of government service in which individuals are employed on the basis of professional merits as proven by competitive examinations or The body if employees in any government agency other than the military.
  • Flowchart: A flow-chat is a diagram that is used to display the flow of logics in a software design. It is type of diagram that represents an algorithm, workflow of process.
  • System: A system is a collection of element or components that are organized for a common purpose.
  • Automated: To make a process in a factory or office operate by machines or computers, in order to reduce the amount of work done by humans and the time taken to do the work.
  • Staff: A group of people who work for an organization, often for a special purpose.
  • Service: A government system or private organization that is responsible for a particular type of activity or for providing a particular thing that people need.


Web Based System For Promotion Processing 

Efficient and effective management of the promotion information of employees are critical to sustainable socio-economic development of a nation (Adebayo, 1994).  Civil Service employees are selected and promoted on the basis of a merit and seniority system, which may include examination. Promotion in the civil service usually takes time to process. To effectively manage promotion in the civil service, there is need to automate the process to eliminate bottlenecks. It is based on this background that this research work is based to develop a Web based intelligent system for promotion processing and management.

Provision of data to computer systems, for decision making, by making use of a computerized system is one of the most promising areas of research in promotion information management. When a task is given to a computer aided system, it speeds up processing. It is the job of computer-aided systems to find the best solution based on the information available to it. With development in computerized technology and advent of dynamic web services the data can be processed and distributed through web services. Such data is a valuable source of information for the computer aided promotion information system. Computerized systems such as web services are dynamic as parameters are passed on to its functions. Values returned from these web services (functions) can provide input for computerizedsystems to accomplish various tasks such as promotion processing and management.

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