Plagiarism is the act of passing off someone else’s work as one’s own. The deceit is linked to forgery and piracy, both of which are violations of copyright laws in general.’ Plagiarism is defined as the unacknowledged use of another author’s work. According to The Concise Oxford Dictionary, the Latin root of the word plagiarius means “kidnapper” (Atkinson & Yeoh, 2008, p. 1). The fact that this phrase is used instead of a more popular term like “theft” implies that the concept is primarily concerned with the appropriation of a person rather than a thing. This complex distinction remains true for plagiarism, a phrase that often involves the theft of ideas and thought.

Plagiarism encompasses a wide range of behaviors (Park, 2004, p. 293), each with its own set of causes and effects. “Copying the work of another” is the most basic kind of plagiarism, which is commonly presented early in a student’s academic career. Peers teach the interested primary school student how to copy coursework, peep at other people’s tests, and recycle book reports from older siblings.


As students get older, the concept of plagiarism is altered to include the concept of citation; that is, it is OK to draw intellectual work from others in your own work as long as you differentiate between your own ideas and those of others and offer clear credit of sources. This acknowledges one of the basic tenets of academic research: that an individual’s contribution to the corpus of knowledge is inextricably linked to previous contributions. A fresh idea is founded on previous ideas that have been shown and disputed by others. It is critical to mention other people’s work in order to ensure that new ideas are established on solid foundations.

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