Design and Simulation Of Medicine Dispensing Machine 

Design and Simulation Of Medicine Dispensing Machine


It is  necessary  to  provide  medication  to  the  aged in time.      Automatic medication dispenser will be designed specifically for users who take medications without close professional supervision. It relieves the user of the error-prone tasks of administering wrong medicine at wrong time. A required information about microcontroller interfaced with alphanumeric keypad, an LED display, a Motor Controller, an Alarm system, a multiple pill container and dispenser will be collected firstly. Then the design will be modeled and simulated using software programs such as Proteus to -simulate the circuit and Bascom AVR to program the microcontroller.The major objective is to keep the device simple and cost efficient. The software used is reliable and stable. Elderly population can benefit from this device as it avoids expensive in-home medical care.

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