Development of an Enhance Data Security in Mobile Messaging using Firebase

Development of an Enhance Data Security in Mobile Messaging using Firebase


This study is on the development of an Enhance Data Security in Mobile Messaging using Firebase .it focused on how to improve on the insecurities involved in sending text messages between users of mobile phones particularly Android phones. A text message is one of the major means of communication in mobile phones both within a long and short distance but since messages sent/received are always in plain and readable text, the messages are vulnerable and the content can be read by anybody that has access to the mobile phone. To achieve the goal of securing text messages, a mobile application was developed for communication between users through text messages. The mobile application was developed using Android Studio. The messages are secured using a cryptographic algorithm known as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) which is a very secure, fast and reliable algorithm when implemented correctly. AES is used to encrypt and decrypt messages sent and received to avoid unauthorized access to the content of the message i.e. only the sender and the recipient will know the content of the message. The messages sent/received by users of the application is always in form of a cyphertext and can only be converted to a plaintext when the valid secret key used with the encryption algorithm (AES) to encrypt the message is entered. The secret key used for encrypting the message must be the same key used to decrypt the message. Also, Firebase is used to authenticate users of the application and serve as a real-time database where both the messages and secret keys are saved, retrieved and shared. Using the mobile application developed, users can send and receive encrypted message thereby preventing third parties from accessing the content of the message.


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