Effect of Animated Cartoon on Primary school pupils in Nigeria


The Effect of Animated Cartoon on Primary school pupils. This thesis is about cartoon-consumer relationship in an effort to discover the impacts of animated cartoons on children in Lagos It is hoped that the findings and conclusions herein will help generate cartoons that can educate Nigerian children to live in ways that are socially and culturally desirable. Nigeria has in the last ten or so years, witnessed rapid growth in the number of television channels and satellite television. The television channels and satellite television have availed to children a vast amount of animated cartoons that transmit European, Japanese and North American views of life instead of the realities in which Nigeria children live. This research was carried out in Lagos, to find out whether or not animated cartoons have an impact on children aged seven to eleven years. Before achieving this primary objective, it was important to first find out which animated cartoons children watch and how regularly they watch the cartoons. It was also essential to first view the roles parents’ play in encouraging or discouraging their children who watch animated cartoons. Casual observation, a general survey, questionnaires, face-to-face interviews and focus group discussions were methods used to gather data for analysis. The analysis of data shows that children in Lagos watch a lot of cartoon programs during the week, over the weekends and during school holidays; entertainment is the primary reason why children watch animated cartoons. Analysis also reveals that parents do not monitor their children’s viewing habits and, consequently, have little knowledge of the content of the animated cartoons their children watch. Parents appear to assume that cartoons are “innocent” and are “good for children.” This research reveals that 55.6 % of the 426 respondents say that they did not talk about cartoons with their parents and 92% said they did not discuss animated cartoons with their teachers. Without guidance, the majority of children appear to assume that all animated cartoon is good. A good number of the children cannot pinpoint bad aspects of animated cartoons but were able to clearly state what they perceived to be “good” things  about animated cartoons. Overall, the research established that Non-African ideals of beauty and image dominate animated cartoons aired on television programs in Lagos. Children are excellent imitators but poor evaluators. This study suggests that animated cartoons have discernible impacts on children in Lagos in that they influence the children to construct their worldview and create perceptions that are alien to Nigeria. The Non African ideals and values are increasingly defining the perception and attitudes towards gender roles, sexuality, body images and role modelling of children who consume animated cartoons in Lagos. This is because these children arc in that stage where images and impressions from diverse environments play a big part in how they construct their world


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