Effect of ICT on the teaching and learning of chemistry in senior secondary schools


There are constant changes taking place in the world, and schools and the subjects taught there must adapt in order to keep up with it. It is necessary to take a critical look at the goals, content, and procedure of the entire curriculum. In this way, chemistry is a dynamic subject that requires a scientific approach to be successful. Chemistry is the study of matter, its properties, how and why substances combine or separate to form new substances, and how substances interact with energy. It is a branch of science. Everything we use, wear, see, smell, taste, and touch is made possible by chemistry and chemical reactions (matter). In the educational system, chemistry is a vital subject since it serves as the foundation for national technological progress. There is a high need for chemistry-related professions, which are necessary for our national development and self-reliance to be successful. In order to achieve national progress and independence, the education of chemistry and chemical-related professions is essential. It is also imperative that the teaching of chemistry in our schools, particularly at the secondary school level, be given significant consideration.
As a subject, chemistry is taught from the elementary level onwards, which is why the researcher is interested in the teaching of chemistry at the senior secondary level. This is accomplished by recognizing information and communication technology (ICT) as an antidote for learning challenges in chemistry in senior secondary schools. Because people only recall 20% of what they hear, but 50% of what they hear and see, it is important to practice listening and paying attention. It goes without saying that Brunner (1973) believes that while dealing with learning activities, the instructor must take into consideration three crucial variables: the character of the learner, the nature of the knowledge to be learned, and the nature of the learning process. A definition of communication is as a source and expansion of creativity in the form of techniques that may be acquired and shared. It is via the creation, perception, and comprehension of communications that man’s conception of what is essential, what is right, and what is relevant to something else is communicated to others (Lampard 2005).
Information and communications technology (ICT) refers to technologies that enable people to gain access to information through communication. In this category are the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other forms of communication technology. In the last few decades, information and communications technology (ICT) has presented society with a huge array of new communication capabilities. ICT is an umbrella term that refers to any type of communication device, including radio, television, computer, cell phones, tablet computers, network hardware, satellite systems, and so on, as well as the various services and applications that can be provided by these devices, such as video conferencing and distance learning, among others.


The following are the primary issues that have arisen as a result of this investigation:
1 What is the attitude of students toward the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in the classroom?
2 To what extent does the use of information and communication technology (ICT) improve the performance of senior secondary school chemistry students.
3 To what extent is the public aware of the significance of information and communications technology (ICT) in education?
4 What is the source of funding for information and communications technology equipment?
5 What are the difficulties teachers have encountered when adopting ICT in compared to the traditional method?

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