At this point in time, education is the single most significant factor in society that contributes to overall development. The school system must play a significant part in order to guarantee the achievement of this objective. Concerning the pupils, it is necessary for them to possess strong abilities, as well as to be proactive and to have a suitable mindset for the future. In addition to this, pupils are required to have strong academic accomplishment in addition to being active participants in the science curricular activities. Both the students’ personal life and the circumstances in which they learn have a bearing on how well they do in their academic pursuits. Learning environments have key roles to play in the learning process. The differences in achievement can be attributed to factors such as geographical location, the resources available, the level of technological accessibility, and also the caliber of the teaching staff.
According to Alade (2006), “school location” refers to the community in which the school is located, such as a village, hamlet, or rural area with fewer than three thousand people; a small town with three thousand to about fifteen thousand people; a town with fifteen thousand to about one hundred thousand people; or a location close to the center of a city with over one million people elsewhere in the city. According to Idiagbe (2004), a school location is a specific geographical site of the school, and it has a building in which the school’s equipment that is used for teaching purposes is stored. He went on to clarify that the placement of any school must, in almost all circumstances, adhere to a set of predetermined parameters.

This is because schools shouldn’t be located in close proximity to places where there is a lot of noise, such as markets, highways, railroads, or other potentially dangerous places. He also brought up the fact that the population that the school is going to serve and the distance that the kids would have to travel in order to get to the school are the two most crucial aspects to take into account when deciding where to locate the school.

Recent educational study has looked at disparities in achievement between those living in rural and urban settings. Many people, including teachers, researchers, politicians, and members of the general public, are of the opinion that the education that is provided to students who attend schools in rural areas is, on average, worse quality than the education that is provided to students who reside in metropolitan areas. The students’ backgrounds also have an effect on their performances; for example, when we compare the academic achievements of students living in rural areas to those of students living in urban areas, we find that many students living in rural areas have lower academic achievements. There is a significant achievement difference between pupils who attend schools in urban and rural locations for a variety of reasons. When compared to kids in rural schools, those who attend metropolitan schools have access to much more resources. According to the National Education Association, public rural schools are home to the youth with the lowest levels of academic achievement (Brown & Swanson, 2001).


The superior academic achievement of urban students can be attributed to a number of factors, including the higher quality of the education they receive, the ready availability of information, which they obtain from a variety of sources including mass media and electronic media, as well as their educated families and peer groups, which assist them in achieving superior academic results. In comparison to pupils from rural areas, they have access to a much wider variety of educational opportunities and facilities. Students who live in rural locations have less opportunities to interact with people from other parts of the world and are also less informed about current events.


Students’ levels of self-efficacy, self-belief, thoughtfulness, and self-esteem can all be improved through the use of education, which is proving to be a powerful tool in this regard. Students who are fortunate enough to live in an underdeveloped village should make it their goal to obtain the greatest possible education for themselves and should not let the circumstances of where they live stand in the way of their accomplishments. We can also observe that students who live in more rural locations have a considerably lower chance of graduating from college than students who live in more metropolitan places. The discrepancy is at its greatest in rural areas, where only 8 percent of individuals over the age of 25 have a college degree, in contrast to the 16 percent of residents who live in metropolitan areas who have such a degree (U. S. Bureau of the Census, 1999). As a result of these, we are able to deduce that there is a performance disparity between students who live in rural areas and those who reside in urban areas because of several factors.

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