Since a very long time ago, Nigeria’s use of the internet and various social media platforms has been increasing at a rate that can be described as exponential. The term “social media” refers to a new type of information network and information technology that employs a mode of communication that makes use of user-produced material and is interactive.

Through the usage of social media, individuals can develop and keep interpersonal relationships. According to Hansem (2015), social media serves as the platform that makes it possible for students to easily communicate with one another and with each other. Researchers have claimed that the widespread use of social media platforms among college students may be an indication that these platforms are viable and effective tools that might be used for educational purposes. [Citation needed] According to Schroeder and Greenbowe (2009), social media have been used to assist both online and offline education, to provide easy and flexible access to educational materials, to provide students with administrative information, to facilitate communication among students as well as between students and instructors, and in some ways have been used to replace learning management systems as well as motivate students. Chatting via social media platforms, on the other hand, has a great deal of potential in the field of higher education in underdeveloped nations due to the accessibility and cost of these platforms. According to findings published by Bsharah, Gasaymeh, and Abdelrahman (2014), 92.6% of the 282 university students who took part in the research at a university in Jordan reported having an active Facebook account.

According to the findings of Hamade (2013), 89 percent of the 300 students who participated in the research at a university in Kuwait acknowledged using Twitter. According to the findings by KarpiHamade Onski, Kirschner, Ozer, Mellott, and Ochwo (2013), all 875 students attending universities in the United States and Europe acknowledged using at least one form of social networking site throughout their studies.
According to Russel (2012), there are good impacts associated with chatting in the sense that it exposes kids to writing in an environment that is more laid back and less stressful. Chatting is, in his opinion, one of the greatest and most convenient methods of communication for a number of different reasons, which he outlined in his statement. It is almost uncommon to come across a student who does not possess at least one cell phone. The vast majority of their mobile phones are equipped with internet connectivity, which enables them to send and receive these chat messages whenever and wherever there is network coverage for the internet, which is nearly always the case. Students who attend schools in this setting are so dependent on their mobile devices that they continue to use them even while they are in class. Maclean (2010) states that chatting is a very easy and affordable means to deliver any message, which is an affirmation of the condition described above. If there is going to be a delay in an exam, a conference, the first day of study, or anything else, any firm or institution, regardless of the number of employees it has, can tell its members in one minute about the situation. According to them, the process of healthy teachers and students exchanging messages outside of the typical red pen and paper assessment is incontestably less intimidating to students and more inspiring to them.

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