Effect of stress on teaching performance of secondary school teachers


It is generally agreed that everyone has the right to an education. According to UNESCO, the factors that determine the quality of an education system include inputs such as the content of the curriculum, instructional materials, the quality and number of teachers, the atmosphere of the school, the ratio of teachers to students, the length of time spent learning, the cost of the education, and the guiding policies. The majority of students rely on their teachers as the primary source of their acquired knowledge. Students tend to perform better academically if they spend more time with their respective teachers. When one considers the significant financial commitment that many parents make to the education of their children, it is impossible to ignore any aspect that reduces the number of lessons that may be taught. It is anticipated of countries that want to be productive and prosperous that they will take care of the health of their teachers. This can be accomplished by giving them the finest possible terms and conditions of service and by providing them with adequate training (Philips, 2004).


For this reason, the government needs to invest in the teaching staff in order to have a good impact on educational output. The success of any given educational system in any nation relies squarely on the shoulders of the educators who work within those systems. One component of “providing for education” is making sure there are sufficient financial resources to support free and mandatory schooling. However, the most significant advantage comes from inspiring educators and


maintaining their interest and enthusiasm For there to be any progress, the educators themselves need to have their voices heard when it comes to the formation of educational policies. The expense of not include educators in the process of formulating school policies is more than the cost of omitting their participation altogether. Over the course of the past two decades, the educational system in Nigeria has undergone significant changes, which are indicators of increased levels of teacher stress (Koech Report, 1999). According to the research, significant unpredictability has been introduced into the education system in Nigeria as a result of a variety of factors including persistent curricular shifts, rising enrollment rates, and violent incidents in schools.

The rapid advancement of technology, the unpredictability of the global economy, the continuous and persistent redesign of curricula, and the fluctuating expenses of living are all factors that have contributed to the dramatic improvement in the working circumstances of educators in recent decades. These changes may generate tension among the teachers. These issues had also been identified earlier, back in 1984, by the Canadian Mental Health Association, which bemoaned the fact that:

Clearly, the working Canadian of the 1980s is confronted with an employment landscape that is more diversified and complicated than has ever existed before in the history of the world (:1)


In Nigeria, Kyalo (2006) identified a number of reasons that have contributed to the low levels of productivity seen among educators working in a variety of schools located all throughout the country. These include, but are not limited to, traumatic incidents, bad working conditions, ongoing confrontations with managers, and purposeful harassment, among other contributing variables. Karl and Cooper (1987) were the ones who first identified and outlined these factors. They noted that lower productivity from teachers, absenteeism, turnover, poor quality of workmanship, and a decrease in teachers’ morale were also concerns of schools coping with job tension. Karl and Cooper (1987) identified and outlined these factors.



On the basis of the facts shown above, poorer levels of production, teacher absenteeism, ongoing confrontations with others, and harassment of instructors have been connected remotely to.


psychological issues experienced by the instructor On the other hand, when these things happen in an unpredictable and erratic way, and when they only happen occasionally, this is an indication that stress is genuinely on the horizon (Otto, 1982).


Even though the Ministry of Education might have some limited statistics on the amount of stress that teachers are under, and even though access to those statistics might be restricted, Ajah does not have any extensive studies on the subject of teacher stress, and the information that is available is scant and incomplete. Because of this, there is a significant knowledge gap concerning the impact that teacher stress can have on the academic performance of their students. This has resulted in a large number of teachers being stressed out about their jobs. As a result, the purpose of this study was to assess the impact that stress has on the level of teaching performance displayed by secondary school teachers in the Eti Osa Local Government Area of Ajah, Lagos.

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