Effects Of Excursion In The Teaching Of Science subjects in Secondary Schools

Effects Of Excursion In The Teaching Of Science subjects in Secondary Schools


A style of instruction known as the excursion approach is one that contributes to the successful acquisition of science sujects knowledge. The traditional lecture method is very different from the excursion method because in the traditional lecture method, the teacher simply becomes the expositor and drill master, while the learner continues to act as the listener and a store house of facts that can be retrieved when a student hears his name called by the teacher. Excursion, on the other hand, does not simply consist of awarding points to students (Oganwu, 2004). This is not to imply that the traditional style of teaching through lectures is wholly fruitless; rather, there is a difference between the two approaches. The excursion is centered on activities, and it provides students with the opportunity to receive first-hand information on people, places, and things in order to concretize what they have learned during their educational experience. It was discovered that teachers in the Numan educational zone spend a lot of time focusing on the traditional technique of teaching rather than alternating it with other relevant instructional tactics such as excursions. This was a problem. According to comments from the head examiners of WAEC, this has had a negative impact on the students’ overall performance in both internal and external examinations (2004-2010).
According to Instructional Strategies Online (2013), a study trip is a trip taken outside of the classroom to obtain direct experience from the natural setting and to improve student’s interest in learning for collecting data, materials or objects classroom as well as to observe objects or phenomena that are not possible to bring within the classroom. A study trip is also taken to obtain direct experience from the natural setting and to improve student’s interest in learning for collecting data, materials or objects classroom. The entire class will travel to a place of educational interest, such as a museum, factory, Hill Mountain, inselbergs valleys, river side, etc., in order to participate in an excursion. According to Duvall and Krepel (1981), an excursion is an outdoor or Excursion or learning exercise that is conducted by the teacher and the students in some aspects of the subject, most notably in geography, in order to provide the students with the opportunity to acquire knowledge. It is a journey that is organized by the school and undertaken for educational purposes in which the students go to areas where the ideas for instruction may be examined and studied directly in their functional setting. The trip is taken for educational purposes.

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