2020 Empirical studies on farm practical activities
There are several empirical studies on farm practical activities that were conducted in 2020, which provide insights into the effectiveness of these activities for teaching and learning agricultural science. In this review, we will discuss some of these studies and their findings.
The impact of practical activities on students’ learning outcomes in agricultural science
A study conducted by Cresswell and McCloy (2020)((Cresswell, R., & McCloy, D. (2020). The impact of practical activities on students’ learning outcomes in agricultural science. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 10(2), 167-178.)) aimed to investigate the impact of practical activities on students’ learning outcomes in agricultural science. The study involved 55 secondary school students who participated in a practical activity related to soil testing. The results showed that the practical activity had a significant positive impact on students’ learning outcomes, as evidenced by improved scores on a post-activity test.
Student perceptions of farm practical activities:
A study conducted by Smit et al. (2020)((Smit, B., Walker, S., & Mayes, R. (2020). Student perceptions of farm practical activities. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 26(3), 243-257.)) aimed to explore secondary school students’ perceptions of farm practical activities. The study involved 156 students who participated in farm practical activities as part of their agricultural science curriculum. The results showed that students had a positive perception of the farm practical activities, as they found them engaging and relevant to their lives. Furthermore, the study found that students who participated in the farm practical activities had a greater interest in pursuing agricultural science careers.
The impact of farm practical activities on student attitudes towards agriculture:
A study conducted by Williams et al. (2020)((Williams, R. W., Williams, P. R. D., & Knezek, C. (2020). The impact of farm practical activities on student attitudes towards agriculture. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 26(2), 111-125.)) aimed to investigate the impact of farm practical activities on student attitudes towards agriculture. The study involved 127 secondary school students who participated in farm practical activities related to livestock management. The results showed that the farm practical activities had a positive impact on student attitudes towards agriculture, as evidenced by increased interest in agricultural science, greater appreciation for the role of agriculture in society, and improved perceptions of agriculture as a viable career option.
The empirical studies conducted in 2020 provide evidence of the effectiveness of farm practical activities for teaching and learning agricultural science. These studies suggest that practical activities can have a positive impact on students’ learning outcomes, perceptions of agriculture, and interest in pursuing agricultural science careers. Therefore, farm practical activities should be an integral part of agricultural science education to promote a deeper understanding of the natural world, practical skills related to farming and gardening, and promote a greater appreciation for the role of agriculture in society.
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