Environmental Impacts And Dangers Of Polythene bags in Nigeria

Environmental Impacts And Dangers Of Polythene bags : A Case Study Of Jalingo Metropolis



Polythene bags  litter is a major environmental and public health problem, particularly in the urban and peri-urban areas of Taraba. Due to the many problems caused by plastic litter the main objective of the study was to establish on the social – economic hazards occasioned by Polythene bags  litter in peri- urban centres of Jalingo The research adopted a descriptive research design This approach allowed the researcher to gather information, summarize, present and interpret it for the purpose of clarification. The study used questionnaires to collect empirical data from the obtained sample size. Each item in the questionnaire was developed to address a specific objective and research questions. The analysis was done as per questionnaires that were used to collect data and the results presented in tables and figures to highlight the major findings. They are also presented sequentially according to the research questions of the study.


The study found out that the condition of polythene bags littering has gone from bad to worse due to unchecked littering. Besides visual pollution, polythene bags litter is non-biogradable and thus accumulates. Its disposal method is a challenge as polythene bags waste recycling is not economically viable. Polythene bags litter contributes to blockage of sewers and drainages, poses threat to biotic species and biotic components when incinerated, buried or damped. Furthermore, when filled with rainwater, Polythene bags  litter become breeding grounds for mosquitoes, which cause malaria. In landfills, it acts as a habitat for vectors that transmits pathogens like flies and rodents.


There is no immediate alternative paper bag that is likely to replace polythene bags in the near future. Due to the enormous environmental problems caused by the Polythene bags  litter, the study recommended that immediate public awareness be made to the consumers on the hazards that are occasioned by the Polythene bags . Other strategies to curb the behavior of litter- louting include the reduction in manufacturing of plastic paper bag, re-use, recycling and re- collection of the polythene bags litter. Other measures to curb the behavior of polythene bags litter are, establishment of litter collection points in strategic litter generating points, imposing stiff penalties to litter- louters, imposing a tax on any polythene bags produced and putting a place mechanisms and processes of polythene bags collection at county levels.

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