He swore not to do something, and he swore not to violate or cancel his oath.

QUESTION; If someone swears as follows: “By Allah, from now on, I will refrain from sending messages to Andi via WhatsApp” “By Allah, if I message and via WhatsApp, my oath cannot be canceled” then swears again with nearly the same words “By Allah, if I message and via WhatsApp, my oath cannot be forgiven,” how much kaffarah do I have to pay to cancel this oath?


Praise be to Allah.

If someone swears that he will not do something or that he will do something, and also vows not to breach his oath, perform expiation, or be forgiven for his oath, he has violated his oath and must offer two expiations.

According to al-Sharh Khurashi’s Mukhtasar Khaleel (3/64): If someone swears an oath that he will not do something or that he will do something, then swears that he will not break the oath and then breaks it, he must offer expiation twice: once for breaking the oath and once for swearing not to break it. This brings the quotation to a close.

Ad-Dardeer stated in ash-Sharh as-Sagheer (2/217): Or he swore not to do such and such and not to violate his oath, and then he violated it, as if he said: By Allah, I will not speak to Zayd and I will not betray my word, and then he spoke to him. In that case, he must make two amends: one for breaching his initial oath and another for breaching his second oath. This brings the quotation to a close.

You should realize that a person who swears an oath – even though it applies to a range of diverse things – and subsequently violates it without delivering expiation for any of those things must offer a single expiation.

Kashshaaf al-Qinaa’ (6/244).

Thus, while the Hanbalis feel that only one expiation is necessary, the majority believe that two are necessary, unless the task is excessively arduous.

You should understand that swearing vows on a regular basis (makrooh) is frowned upon, as Allah, may He be glorified, states (interpretation of the meaning):

Additionally, refrain from succumbing to every useless chronic swearer [al-Qalam 68:4].

As Ibn Qudaamah (may Allah have mercy on him) observed, this condemnation of him means that his deeds are despised. “Al-Mughni (13/439)”. Al-Mughni. Al-Mughni.

Allah is the most wise.

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