The people that work for an organisation are considered to be one of its most precious assets as well as one of its most significant resources. The quality of the work that they do and the amount of work that they take on together have a direct bearing on an organization’s overall level of productivity. Therefore, in order for a business to achieve growth and success, it is necessary for that firm to have healthy employee relations and good office relations in the workplace (Abushawish, 2013). Employee good office relations is a broad word that covers many concerns, from collective bargaining, negotiations, and employment regulations to more current topics such as work-life balance, equitable opportunities, and managing diversity in the workplace (Armstrong &Stephens, 2016). It refers to both the practise of and the actions taken in order to ensure that employees are content with their work and are productive. Good office relations with employees can be beneficial in a number of different ways. These include the acknowledgment of employees, the formulation and interpretation of policies, and the resolution of various types of problems and disputes. It entails dealing with employment practises, terms and conditions of employment, difficulties that arise from employment, giving employees with a voice, and interacting with employees. It also involves negotiating the pay–work bargain (Frank & Jeffrey, 2010).

Employee good office relations are focused with preserving employee-employer interactions, which contribute to satisfying levels of production as well as increases in morale and motivation among workers (Ahmad &Shahzad, 2011).

According to Onyango (2014), “employee excellent office relations” can be viewed more as a skill-set or a mindset than as a managerial function or a well-defined area of activity in the workplace. [Citation needed] Despite well-publicized instances of industrial action, the focus of employee good office relations continues to shift from “collective” institutions, such as trade unions and collective bargaining, to the relationship with individual employees. This is despite the fact that instances of industrial action have received a lot of media attention. The concepts of “employee voice” and the “psychological contract” have been embraced by employers, and this acceptance is reflected in the rules and objectives that businesses have for employee excellent office relations.


Employers continue to view employee good office relations skills and competences as vital to obtaining performance benefits through a focus on employee involvement, dedication, and engagement. This is because of the connection between these factors and performance (Tepper, Moss, Lockhart, & Carr, 2017). Good employee office relations are seen as strategic in terms of managing business risk. This includes both the downside risk of non-compliance with an expanded body of employment law as well as the upside risk of failing to deliver maximum business performance. Good employee office relations are seen as strategic in terms of managing business risk (Ahmad & Schroeder, 2013; Tepperet al, 2017).


1.2 A Concise Description of the Issue

Relationships between employees that aren’t up to par in a workplace can be detrimental to an organization’s productivity and their standing in the community. Simply put, the poor relationship between employers and employees is the primary reason why the majority of workers in certain organisations in Nigeria do not produce more. When an employee is dissatisfied with either their employer or even their fellow workers, it is impossible for them to give their best performance at work. A lack of employee good office relations will have a negative impact on both the performance of employees and the productivity of an organisation. Strike action and lockouts can arise when relations between employees and employers in the workplace are strained. Strikes and lockouts were two of the methods that employees used to voice their complaints. Productivity is significantly impacted when workers engage in strike action and lockouts. Employee good office relations, also known as industrial relations, refer to the relationship that exists between an employer and their workforce as a whole.

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