Impact of information and communication on the teaching and learning of statistics in tertiary institution
The purpose of this study was to ascertain the impact of information and communication technologies on statistics teaching and learning in post-secondary institutions. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which ICT is integrated into Statistics teaching and learning; to identify the challenges and opportunities associated with ICT use in Statistics teaching and learning; and to identify best pedagogical practices for teaching Statistics using ICT. The study was conducted in accordance with Rogers’ diffusion theory, which stresses the user or adopter’s relevance throughout the process. Due to the descriptive nature of the survey, the bulk of the data were descriptive in nature. Three instruments were used to collect data for the study: questionnaires sent to instructors and students, a structured interview schedule distributed to deputy heads of departments, and an observation checklist. Twelve public tertiary institutions spread around Nigeria were surveyed. Teachers were recruited using purposive sampling, whereas schools, deputy principals, and Form Three students were recruited using a simple random sample. The sample consisted of 299 respondents. Twelve tertiary institutions, twelve Statistics faculty members, two hundred and seventy-five (275) form three students, and twelve Statistics department heads were sampled for the study. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20, which includes the use of percentages and frequency tables. The findings indicated a low level of ICT integration; statistics teachers are ill-equipped to integrate ICT into their classroom training. Despite major obstacles, the study indicated that instructors are required to improve their technological skills and experience and to include ICTs into their classroom education. This study advises that students be authorized to use smartphones for educational reasons solely and that instructors get training on how to utilize ICT into teaching and learning statistics during their pre-service and in-service courses.
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