Influence of high class size on home economics students academic achievement in Junior Secondary Schools


Classes that are either too full or have an excessive number of students are now the norm in the vast majority of educational institutions, particularly those located in developing countries like Nigeria. When educating students at universities with large class sizes, university professors, particularly those in developing nations, encounter a number of obstacles. According to Benbow, Mizrachi, Oliver, and Said-Moshiro (2007), the expansion of upper classes in the developing world is as a result of worldwide initiatives for universal education and rapid population increase. Additionally, the authors cite rapid population growth as another contributing factor. Naturally, there is a need to increase funding for higher education in order to broaden access to higher education in order to minimize the negative consequences of rapid population expansion. According to Ogbondah (2010, page 318), “underfunding is one of the primary crucial concerns facing public universities in Nigeria.” According to his opinion, “enough funding of public institutions is a sine qua non for sustainable development as such the much needed development will be fast-tracked and sustained.” [Citation needed] Even though “money cannot correct all the ills of public universities,” it is essential to emphasize that “inadequate funding leads to inadequate school buildings, inadequate educational facilities, poorly qualified and poorly remunerated teachers, inadequate learning conditions, and a lack of instructional materials.” This point must be emphasized (Ogbondah, 2010, p. 321).
Effah (2003), on his part, brought up the issues around finances and housing that both students and management had to deal with. In addition to these obstacles, large class sizes have evolved into a necessary but undesirable aspect of the educational experience at public colleges across the country in recent years. The severity of the issue is inextricably tied to the standard of instruction and evaluation of students, as well as the caliber of those who eventually enter the workforce after completing their degrees. This argument is supported by other academics, such as Anderson (2000), who believes that the characteristics that are most likely to be correlated with class size and students’ accomplishments include aspects that are directly related to the classroom experience of the students.

According to the findings of a study that was conducted in Nigeria by Amua-Sekyi (2010, page 144), it was found that “lack of funding was believed to impinge well beyond the classroom to the workplace and ultimately to the state of the economy,” as stated by a number of respondents. Her replies suggested that “If we have teaching and learning resources such as slides or a flow chart of the life cycle on screen, students can make contributions, even as the issue is being presented.” She also discovered that one of the problems that her respondents complained about was the insufficient amount of high classroom space. This is a direct result of the lecturers’ observation that “students are not genuinely involved in teaching and learning at levels 100 and 200, when class sizes are typically considerable.” She contended that “Even at level 300 and 400 when the class size gets smaller as they choose areas of concentration, students’ contributions seem to improve.” [Citation needed] On the other hand, she made the observation that “Even then one can see they have a lot of flaws as they have not formed the dispositions to contribute at lectures and to undertake independent critical thinking.” She expressed her opinion that, “Even if we try to mold them, I do not think that we are genuinely able to touch their lives through the training as planned.” In her discussion, Amua-Sekyi (2010, page 144) made the following observation: “Those who are good developed with the little guidance/exposure and pick up and develop their talents and express themselves—do independent work—come to see me and ask how to relate what they have found on the Internet with what they have been taught.” Those who are good developed with the little guidance/exposure and pick up and develop their talents and express themselves—do independent work—come to see me and ask how

One might reasonably inquire as to what proportion of them are capable of carrying out the activity in issue. The vast majority of people are incapable of exploring on their own, and as a result, when they are unable to benefit from a high class, they have a tendency to suffer and become average students. Those who are “extremely weak” may suffer several referrals, and they may drop out of school or go home without degrees or certificates.
The implication is that if students are not adequately equipped for junior secondary, which is the level at which they were meant to have acquired the highest degree of training, then we should not expect them to perform miracles when they teach at the level of secondary school or basic school. The level of instruction that they would be able to deliver would be suspect and would not be able to produce the results that we anticipate in our institutions.

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