Integration Of Information Communication And Technology In Teaching English In Secondary Schools Nigeria

Integration Of Information Communication And Technology In Teaching English In Secondary Schools Nigeria



The chapter discusses background to the study; statement of the problem; purpose of the study; objectives; research questions; significance, scope, limitations, delimitation and assumption of the study; theoretical and conceptual framework as well as definition of operational terms,

Background to the study

The world has become digital through embracing Millennium Development Goal (MDG) as indicated by United Nations (UN) to eradicate poverty though education. This implies that institutions of learning must be equipped and facilitated by various governments to effect digitalization. Computer hardware, software and mobile phones would play a key role in achieving it. Information Communication and Technology (ICT) integration in teaching is therefore inevitable. Understandably, this is the ability to use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate and communicate information (Kenney, 2006). Furthermore, Amara (2006) postulates integration of computers as an extent to which teachers utilize ICT for teaching and includes multimedia projectors, overhead projectors (OHP) and mobile phones. In line with this, Pernia (2008) perceives ICT to entail actual application of computers and internet technology to enhance quality teaching and learning. Apparently, ICT consists of hardware, software, networks and media.

On the benefits of ICT integration, Selwood, Fung and O’Mahony (2003) hold that tutors who comfortably embrace and competently integrate it in teaching record improved academic performance on their students. This view is supported by Wagner (2005) who acknowledges that ICT technology is crucial in enhancing quality of learners’ performance. The implication of this underscores the expectation for better national examination results upon utilization of ICT integration. In relation to this, education curriculum has to be in tandem with the digital content covering all subjects taught in schools. Apparently, official language of instruction takes centre stage as  it is the medium of instruction across the curriculum.



Using ICT in teaching English language resonates well with our students. It eases accessibility to range of texts which in effect improves writing, reading, speaking and listening skills. These inevitably support collaboration, creativity, individualized learning and reflection. All these can be realized when teachers maximize the impact of ICT by making it an integral component in their lessons and relevant idea dynamically projected in variety of media.



Evidently, the technology enables students to quickly, efficiently; confidentially and accurately locate relevant information. In an environment of viable connectivity, students access a wider range of online texts, talks as well as reading and writing for various purposes with different types of people. In effect, this encourages variety of interaction and promotion of collaborative learning. Basically, use of ICT in teaching English will positively impact on the four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing, to the learners. Underwood (1997) contended that talking books aid learners with emergent language since they enhance literary vocabulary and comprehension. According to Reid (2002), digital video production positively impacts on social


learning communication, negotiation and problem solving skills. This is facilitated by the fact that learners use more abstract and complicated language when narrating about movies they made using digital video.

On reading skills, Birmingham and Davies (2001) postulated that learners utilizing ICT easily understand, visualize and interpret difficult texts. This is enhanced when they interact with story books which develop their vocabulary repertoire. Writing skills improve through ICT as learners embark on editing digital video films. Their literacy and understanding of the narrative aid the writing skill. This is due to the fact that learners will be writing for real audience using internet or e-mails Karchmer (2001).

Teachers’ preparedness in using ICT integration in teaching should always be  factored in. For efficiency and effectiveness in using ICT, professional development must be undertaken Higgins and Moseley (2002). Identification of specific objectives within English language curriculum in aid of learners compel instructors to possess apt ICT skills, adequate and frequent use of ICT facilities, as well as accessibility to reliable technical support.

Nigeria, through the Ministry of Education Science and Technology has embarked on introducing Information Communication and Technology tools in some schools as stated in Vision 2030, aiming at catching up with the world of technology. It has the principle priority objective of making profound investment in Nigerians for the advancement of all strata of people’s quality of life. One of the main flagship projects


earmarked for attention was the establishment of a computer supply. Ministry of Education’s ingenuities in ICT is directed towards popularizing information technology in basic education in public institutions. This development as supported by the inherent policy of using English across the curriculum can advance the quality of education. Apparently, English language was explicitly and implicitly entrenched in High status in the entire educational system and therefore plays a pivotal role in education.

 Statement of the Problem

With the supply of ICT facilities in Lagos State secondary schools, English language teachers were expected to have expeditiously integrated the technology in training learners on the skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking. The effectiveness of ICT integration in teaching English language could be good SSCE. However, the performance in English has persistently been poor or below average; mean grade of C- (5 out of 12 points) at the KCSE. Since English language is a compulsory subject in secondary schools and a medium of instruction across the curriculum, its poor performance affects all other subjects. The implication of this is low number of students joining public universities. Furthermore, those enrolled in higher institutions of learning cannot take professional courses like medicine, law and engineering. This crystallized into a grave problem of concern. The study sought to establish use of ICT integration in teaching English language skills in secondary schools of Lagos State.

  Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study was to establish integration of ICT in relation to the teaching English language in secondary schools of Lagos State

   Objectives of the study

The objectives of the study were to:

  1. Find out English language teachers’ preparedness in using ICT to teach English.
  2. Investigate ICT integration by teachers in teaching English language
  3. Establish the accessibility of available ICT facilities to teachers of English and students.
  4. Establish effects of ICT integration on teachers and learners of English language
  5. Find out ICT technicians’ role in teaching English

  Research Questions

The study was guided by the following research questions:

  1. How prepared are English language teachers in using ICT to teach English?
  2. How do teachers of English integrate ICT in teaching English language?
  3. Are the available ICT facilities accessible for use by teachers and students?
  4. What are the effects of ICT integration to teachers and learners of English?

5 what is the role of ICT technicians in the integration of teaching English language?

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