Education is essential for both life and societal development and it involves transmission of values and knowledge through teaching, learning, socialization and enculturation (Salmi Ahmad, 2017:22)
Islam as a divine religion means “peace”. It foundation was built on knowledge about God (Allah) as an obligatory acts of worship and comprehension of human value and dignity (Abdullah 1982). Hence, it is incumbent upon every male and female Muslim to seek knowledge. The first verse that was revealed in the Qur‟an upon the Noble Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) in the year 610 C.E in the city of Makkah connotes “Read – Iqra” which could be elucidated to mean “read‟, seek knowledge” “educate yourself” and so on as contained in Q96:1-5
It has to be noted that Islam accords premium importance and value to education because it makes man to be a right thinker and enables him to receive needed information from external world. Islamic education is one of the best systems of education which makes a Muslim an ethically groomed person with all qualities which he or she possessed. The teaching embedded in Islam is directly given by Almighty Allah (God) through His sent prophets and messengers, thus, a Muslim is always thirsty of knowledge which will make him a well-behaved and productive individual in the society.
Al-Qur‟an remains the main and Holy encyclopedic curriculum for all Muslims and the totality of Islamic education is drawn from it as posited by Abduttawab (1980:108) Islam encourages teaching and learning of useful information, hence, the prophet of Islam was quoted to have said that “All Muslims should acquire useful knowledge even if the distance is as far as China” (Abdul, M.O, 1982). According to Longman dictionary of contemporary English (2003), „„teaching‟‟ is defined as the “moral, religious or political ideas of a particular person or group which are taught to other people”, therefore, teaching in Islam which means “Ta‘lim” connotes act of imparting religious and moral knowledge. It was on these premises that Islamic Religious Studies(I.R.S) was planned to be taught in cadres of schools to train the Muslim children the value of religion, the human value and consciousness of being a contributing factor to natural and human development in all facet.
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