
A method for producing three-dimensional photographic images is called holography. The term “lensless photography” is occasionally used to describe these methods because they can be carried out without a lens. The word “holograms” is derived from the Greek words “holos,” “whole,” and “gram,” “message,” and is used to describe the recordings. These concepts were first put forth by British/Hungarian scientist Dennis Gabor in 1947 (fig. 1). In other terms, the words “hologram” and “gram” both mean “written” and “full view,” respectively. A hologram is a three-dimensional illustration of the advantageous interactions between laser light waves. Holograms are referred to technically as wave front reconstruction. Dennis Gabor made the crucial finding that would lead to hologram technology in 1947 while working on studies to enhance electron microscopes. Dennis Gabor is credited with developing the hologram and related technologies.

Dennis published a study in 1948 that served as the basis for contemporary hologram. The method was not fully utilized, nevertheless, until the 1960s (Chavis, 2009). Nigeria gained political independence in 1960, and since then, the educational system has continued to advance. The introduction and spread of contemporary technology are also increasing quickly. Nigeria is not an exception when it comes to the wind of technology. As seen by the large number of Nigerians who migrate abroad to study or work in a variety of fields, Nigeria’s education system has been among the fastest expanding in the African area. Holographic presentations have not yet been successfully used in teaching or learning by a single institution.

The early bird, however, does get the worm. It has never been too early to start over. Albert Einstein, a German-born American scientist, once observed, “If a notion is not absurd at first, there is no hope for it.” One of the most frightening points of worry that is seen to be a significant gap driving the necessity for this study is to what extent Nigeria is prepared for a solution with regard to holographic applications, especially in the teaching learning process at this point and time at the university level. One of the most crucial factors in the need for this study is to inspire Nigerian educational stakeholders to be ready for battle early on and not to falter in the head-to-head rivalry of saving.

Statement of the Problem

According to the manufacturer of holograms, a hologram can “visualize dynamic processes that are not immediately apparent, hard to materialize in practice, or are innately visual and can increase a learner’s knowledge of both concrete and abstract concepts” (Betrancourt & Chassot, 1977). Bickmore-Brand (1993) According to Wilburne, Napoli, Keat, Dile, Trout, and Decker, teaching narrative stories to students with special needs is a crucial aspect of helping them to comprehend (2007). The use of holograms as teaching aids in the Nigerian educational system, however, has not received adequate research. This study was conducted since there hasn’t been much research on how it can improve cognitive teaching and learning.


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