Maternal nutrition is extremely essential during pregnancy since it may affect both the mother and the baby’s health. If a woman does not eat enough good-quality nutrition throughout her pregnancy, she and her unborn child may suffer health problems. Malnutrition in women increases the risk of gestational anemia, hypertension, miscarriages and fetal deaths, preterm delivery, and maternal mortality during pregnancy. It also raises the risk of a premature birth. It has the potential to cause low birth weight in neonates as well as fetal intrauterine growth retardation, both of which may have long-term consequences for the development of newborns, as well as their quality of life and medical costs. Malnutrition has been demonstrated to stifle the development of neonates’ immune systems, which is yet another harmful effect of the disease. As a result, determining the relationship between maternal diet and fetal development is critical. A total of 150 pregnant women from the Menufia Governorate took part in a prospective cohort study conducted at maternal and child health clinics. The link between maternal malnutrition and poor outcomes for both moms and babies was statistically significant. Prenatal care should include dietary counseling to reduce the risk of problems impacting the mother, the unborn child, and the pregnancy as a whole.
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