Monitoring and control of power system in real time using grid computing
Extensively interconnected power grid has been a long cherished dream of the power system engineers. Recently, the incredible publicity of smart grid has brought about a revolution in the way the power system’s operation and control functions are planned. However, attempts to interconnect power system grids have consistently resulted in failures, like cascaded failures, often leading to black-outs. Taking into account the real-time requirements to deal with power system diagnostic procedures, it is absolutely essential to have an effective and reliable monitoring of the entire system. In this paper, we have implemented the monitoring of Odisha power grid to fulfill the requirement of distinguished power system protection. This paper advocates the use of grid computing in power system monitoring. Even though, the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition/Energy Management System (SCADA/EMS) system is presently being used for monitoring power systems; yet it has its boundaries. This paper proposes to use Grid Computing as a support to the existing SCADA/EMS based power system monitoring and control and demonstrates its applicability by means of a grid based synchronized power system monitoring system. Therefore mentioned system has been deployed in desktop computers with GridGain 2. 0 as middleware.
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