
Ginger production has not been an exception to Nigeria’s falling agricultural performance, as it has not been able to reach its full potential as an export crop and a key foreign cash generator. According to Sunday et al. (2014), one of the problems restricting higher productivity was the lack of scientific studies on the supply system to back up farmers’ efforts. The trend and output supply reaction to price and other variables may have a detrimental impact on Nigerian ginger production. According to Emmanuel (2008), in response to the declining fortunes of ginger production in Nigeria, governments have implemented a variety of policies, programs, and projects targeted at revitalizing ginger output. There has been no research.

Research Questions

  1. Do climatic constraints  poses as a challenge to  ginger production in Nigeria?
  2. Do Environmental constraints affect the performance of ginger production in Nigeria?
  3. Do Seed constraints affects ginger production in Nigeria?
  4. What are the Institutional problems that act as hindrance to ginger production?
  5. To analyze the Marketing problem facing ginger production in Nigeria
  6. To understand whether Extension problem affects ginger production in Nigeria

Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of this research work is to Examine Problem Affecting Small Scale Ginger  Farmers (Zingiber Officinale) . The specific objectives of the study are to:

  1. To examine the climatic constraints that poses as a challenge to ginger production in Nigeria
  2. To analyze the Environmental constraints that affect the performance of ginger production in Nigeria
  3. To examined Seed constraints affects ginger production in Nigeria
  4. To examine the Institutional problems affecting ginger production
  5. To analyze the Marketing problem facing ginger production in Nigeria
  6. To understand whether Extension problem affects ginger production in Nigeria
  7. To analyze the Marketing Constraint affecting ginger production


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