Project topics on eNaira

eNaira Wallet is the official wallet of the Central Bank of Nigeria’s new digital currency, eNaira. The introduction of eNaira in Nigeria have opened a research field for scholars to make input. In this page are list of well researched project topics and materials on eNaira for ND, HND, Bsc and Msc and PhD students

Project topics on eNaira

  1. The impact of eNaira on the Economic Growth of Nigeria
  2. An assessment of eNaira digital currency on SMEs business transactions
  3. The Impact of eNaira Digital Currency on SMEs Business Transactions in Nigeria
  4. The impact of eNaira on fraud prevention and detection in Nigeria
  5. An evalation of eNaira in the distribution of Welfare packages to Nigerian citizen
  6. An analysis of eNaira in the increase of Local and International Trade
  7. The impact of eNaira in Revenue collection among FIRs Officials
  8. The impact of eNaira in payment of school fees for undergradduate students
  9. Legal and institutional framework for the introduction on eNaira digital currency in Nigeria
  10. Problem and prospects facing the effective implementation of eNaira digital currency in Nigeria
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