Relationship between teachers attitude and students academic achievement of senior secondary School students

Relationship between teachers attitude and students academic achievement of senior secondary School students


1.0 Background to the Study

School is a place where people learn different types of skills and abilities in order to be useful to themselves and the society  in general. The school, in essence, provides total manpower to the society,  and serves as a place where norms and traditions of the society are transmitted from generation to generation. The mission of the  school is  to produce relevant indigenous manpower for developmental activities and the bases of the need and aspirations of the society, so that the community can progress and develop especially in this age of globalisation. Besides, some of the functions the of school are that of generating and updating knowledge on contemporary issues for the purpose of unity, progress and development of human society among others Abubakar (2009).

Education on the other hand is the key to the socio economic development of any nation and social mobility of an individual while Secondary school education is the foundation of every other educational pursuit. Maduewesi (2005) in the same vein states that  a  sound  secondary education is the pre-requisite to all other education, children need a sound secondary education because it is a gateway to whatever the individual can achieve through education. The National Policy on Education NPE (2005) describes secondary education as the key to the success or failure of the whole system. The objectives for secondary education put emphasis on a balance between physical and intellectual


development of a child. It also aimed at widening access to basic education, eliminate present inequalities in enrolment between  urban and rural, ensure greater retention and ensure long-term permanent literacy for those children who had completed the system.

The achievement of the stated objectives of secondary school  education, in Nigeria largely depends on many factors, among which are secondary school teacher’s attitude and experience, this  is  because attitude affects the success of the individual in his interpersonal  relations and, as has been demonstrated by research, there is a positive correlation between favourable attitude and learning, (Saka, (2002). Therefore, becoming a successful teacher presents a great challenge  today than at any previous time in history (Isyaku, (1993).

Students expect more from their school and their teachers. This shows that teachers are very important in the teaching and learning processes because they give proper and adequate training  to  their  students to enhance production of competent individuals that will promote desired development of any nation, it should be noted that education is the instrument for social change and parameter that develop and improves the intellectual and moral abilities of the  child.  The  importance of the teacher in education at all levels is reflected in the  2004 National Policy on Education, as it declares that “no educational system may rise above the quality of its teachers”.

Eso (1998) observed that to be an effective teacher is to possess  the skills essential for enhancing classroom control and discipline. It is


the teacher’s competence, ability and resourcefulness to  efficiently  utilize the appropriate language, methodology  and  available instructional materials to bring out the best from learners in terms of academic achievement. To Abimbade, (1999) teachers are said to be effective when their teaching can lead to students’ learning. Nothing has been taught until it has been learnt and this happens when the teacher succeeds in causing a change in behaviour in the learner. It is therefore important that the teacher must see teaching as an attempt on his own part to transfer what he has learnt to his students. A growing body of research suggests that schools can make a difference and a substantial portion of that difference is attributable to teachers.

Isyaku (1993), Abimbade (1999) and Aluede (2009) stressed that for successful teaching and learning to take place, there are many factors, among which are teacher attitude and experience. As such the study is aimed at finding out the relationship between teachers attitude and students academic achievement of senior secondary Schools in sokoto south..

  • Statement of the


It is a known fact that education is the vehicle upon which wheel of national development revolves Fafunwa (2003). Proper education hinges on effective classroom management through the activities of teacher

.These show that for an effective teaching-learning to take place at whatever level of education, teachers are of paramount importance.

Olaofe (1997) and Maduewesi (2005) declared that teachers are very important in teaching and learning process, government and society believes that teachers play a significant role in improving the quality of


education given at all level, this is why different teacher programmes  were put in place in order to improve the quality of teachers towards  their teaching subject.

Teaching on the other hand is a deliberate effort by  experience person to impart knowledge, information skills to less experience person through a process that is morally and pedagogically accepted, this  implies that different factors need to be in place before teaching take place, among which are: mastery of the subject matter, classroom management, time management, use of proper teaching materials, teaching method etc and all these depend on the teachers attitude and teachers teaching experience.

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