The Application of Pedagogical Stylistic Analysis of video contents as teaching aid for English As A Foreign Language

The Application of Pedagogical Stylistic Analysis of video contents as teaching aid for English As A Foreign Language


The problem of educational technology efficiency is connected to the problem of strategies of representation, acquisition, storing and reproduction of various forms of educational information. The problem of a human and information interaction in the educational process is connected to the problem of efficiency of modern educational technologies. Formalizing pedagogical activities’ education technology allows reproduction of the successful experience of teachers. Education technology represents a special way of interacting with educational information. This question has been widely discussed in literature. Various aspects of the methodology of knowledge transfer in educational systems have been studied by scientists in different contexts. There are a great number of papers and books concerning the knowledge transfer problem. V.I. Vernadsky’s ideas have the greatest value in the era of integration of the huge volume of knowledge collected by humanity (Vernadsky 1998). Now the integration processes predicted by V.I. Vernadsky has become  a reality. They become a basis of the fourth scientific revolution (Kuhn 1996; Stepin 2007, 2008, 2009). Moreover, their further advancement in all its spheres, in particular, in the education sphere, is not  only actual, but also natural. Therefore, in the sphere of the trinity approach in education  (Kibalchenko et al. 2015; Kibalchenko and Eksakusto 2016; Kibalchenko and Zabalueva 2017) the  expediency of use of natural interaction processes in informative experience cognitive structures has  been shown (text—image—sense; rational—sensual—intuitive, etc.). The research of this interaction  gives the chance to reveal additional reserves of well-known educational strategies and technologies
(Babansky 1973, 1987; Deetman 1989; Zankov 1963, 1964; Vygotsky 1977; Vygotsky et al. 1979;  Zaporozhets and Elkonin 1973).

One of the major requirements of any activity’s efficiency is the creation of comfortable  psychological conditions for it (Carterette and Friedman 1978). Visualization plays an important role  in this process. Meanwhile in modern educational activity the attention of teachers to the figurative-emotional sphere of trainees is not sufficient. The idea of passing from explanatory and illustrative
pedagogics to a structurally new direction in the training theory serves as stimulus for visualization  introduction in educational process (Bégin 2008; Parker 1979).The introduction of visualization
results in the creation of the educational environment that is considered to be more comfortable  psychologically and safe for the trainee (Pisarenko and Bondarev 2016). Thereupon, the problem of
humanitarian subjects teaching modernization can be solved by means of the creation of a simple,  reliable and effective model of interaction between a teacher, trainees, a studied theme and subjects.

For this problem realization, there was consideration of a complex of didactic means that represents  a system in which visual means are included. It helps to generalize and remember the studied
material promoting its longer preservation in memory and easy reproduction (Alava and Etévé 1999;  Andrade and Spinillo 2013; Friedrich 2001; Wolfs 2007).

There are many definitions and concepts of technology in literature. Education technology is a  system of influences on the learner in the learning process (Arsaliev 2015, 2016). It involves the
management of the didactic process with the inclusion of stages of organization and control of the  activities of a trainee. Technology is a theoretical pedagogical project of educational activity
management. One of the key elements of any education technology is feedback between the result  and the transitional states of the education process. Educational technology of organization of
educational and cognitive activity aims at managing the process of solving training tasks.

It should be recognized that in educational practice the teacher has to use the data regarding the  level of educational and cognitive activity of students; to consider their individual way of learning;
to provide variability of the educational process; to create for each student an information  environment and to use didactic resources adequate to his stylistic peculiarities and the level of

The process of planning, organization, coordination and monitoring of learning outcomes  represents the main activity for the teacher when developing new education technologies. We are
sure that to solve existing and emerging problems in the design and organization of the educational  process (learning), we have to use new, effective approaches and methods to improve the quality of
functioning for a complete system of education (Deetman 1989). The necessity of a unified  multidisciplinary approach to the solution of pedagogical problems and challenges is obvious.
Education technology as a process has the following structure represented in Figure 1:

A Pedagogical Stylistic Analysis Of Selected Preschool Online Teaching Videos In English As A Foreign Language

In this paper, we will focus on audiovisual technology that is very popular and commonly used in teaching foreign languages. Audiovisual Technology (AT) represents a new approach to teaching methods and techniques and this is the current reality in education. Audiovisual materials are very popular in teaching and training but their application is sometimes random and arbitrary. AT improves the efficiency and availability of teaching resources.

AT is a term for the abstraction of the process of constructing a set of operations, methods and techniques based on video resources and resulting in competence formation (Pisarenko 2015). This technology is based on use of human audio and visual channels of information perception. It permits organization of perception in maximal value. This is very important for teaching foreign languages. Video resources allow the demonstration of the object of studies—a foreign language—in real conditions (Pisarenko and Krasnoshchekova 2016). Video permits demonstration of not only a language but also the whole environment where it exists, including cultural, social, ethnic, historical and many other aspects (Pisarenko and Arsaliev 2016).

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this research is to investigate the use of animation as a means of enhancing teaching and learning of individuals with special needs in Nigeria.

The following specific objectives shall help attain the overall objective:

  1. To investigate the retention ability of students taught with video contents instructional material and those taught without
  2. To examine the perceptions of the use of video contents strategy in teaching and learning process for English as foreign language (EFL)
  3. To understand the various roles of video contents as learning resources for English as foreign language (EFL)

Research Questions


The proposed investigation will try to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the retention ability of  students taught with video contents instructional material and those taught without?
  2. What are the perceptions of the use of video contents strategy in teaching and learning process for English as foreign language (EFL) ?
  3. What are the various  roles of video contents as learning resources for English as foreign language (EFL)?

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be of benefit to the students, lecturers, government, curriculum planners and future researchers. The study will be of immense benefit to the students as the findings of the study will enable them to know the importance and various applications of animation  in the process of teaching and learning.

The study would also assist content creators (animators, graphic designers, instructional designers and educators) in developing effective educational animations.

The use of animated aided computers by teachers in instructional delivery method will help English As A Foreign Language students.

The findings of this study will serve as eye openers to schools management for provision of the required ICT facilities for improvement in instructional delivery. The management of educational institutions through the result of the study would see the need to organize seminars, workshops, and conferences towards the utilization of ICT in instructional delivery.

Finally, the outcomes of this study adds to the growing body of research on learning with animation and learning in general, by illustrating the use of an animation production technique in relaying a culturally relevant visual aesthetic for curriculum based content to address gaps in conceptual understanding.

Statement of the Problem

video contents provides a medium that can combine both description and exposition in a narrative story, “visualize dynamic phenomenon that is not easily perceptible, impossible to realize in practice or is inherently visual and can enhance a learner’s understanding of both concrete and abstract concepts” (Betrancourt & Chassot, 1977). According to Wilburne, Napoli, Keat, Dile, Trout, and Decker (2007), Bickmore-Brand (1993) teaching through narrative stories plays an important role in helping students with special need to comprehend. However, adequate research on the use of animation as a  learning materials in Nigeria educational system is scarce. Also, not much research has been conducted to investigate its potential for cognitive enrichment in teaching and learning process

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of this research is to investigate the use of animation as a means of enhancing teaching and learning of individuals with special needs in Nigeria.

The following specific objectives shall help attain the overall objective:

  1. To investigate the retention ability of students taught with video contents instructional material and those taught without
  2. To examine the perceptions of the use of video contents strategy in teaching and learning process for English as foreign language (EFL)
  3. To understand the various roles of video contents as learning resources for English as foreign language (EFL)
  4. To examine the Knowledge Acquisition and competencies of learners of EFL using video contents

Research Questions 

The proposed investigation will try to answer the following questions:

  1. What are the retention ability of  students taught with video contents instructional material and those taught without?
  2. What are the perceptions of the use of video contents strategy in teaching and learning process for English as foreign language (EFL) ?
  3. What are the various  roles of video contents as learning resources for English as foreign language (EFL)?

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be of benefit to the students, lecturers, government, curriculum planners and future researchers. The study will be of immense benefit to the students as the findings of the study will enable them to know the importance and various applications of animation  in the process of teaching and learning.

The study would also assist content creators (animators, graphic designers, instructional designers and educators) in developing effective educational animations.

The use of animated aided computers by teachers in instructional delivery method will help English As A Foreign Language students.

The findings of this study will serve as eye openers to schools management for provision of the required ICT facilities for improvement in instructional delivery. The management of educational institutions through the result of the study would see the need to organize seminars, workshops, and conferences towards the utilization of ICT in instructional delivery.

Finally, the outcomes of this study adds to the growing body of research on learning with animation and learning in general, by illustrating the use of an animation production technique in relaying a culturally relevant visual aesthetic for curriculum based content to address gaps in conceptual understanding.

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