The Causes and Effects Of Admission Racketeering in Nigerian Universities


The Causes and Effects Of Admission Racketeering in Nigerian Universities


Admission Racketeering is now one of the greatest challenges facing Nigerian higher intuition of learning.

Admission Racketeering which can literally be defined as Money for admission   is now a process  which has become an obvious perversion of the ‘admisioneering’ process in Nigerian universities.

It is undeniable that the government, parents, lecturers, school administrators and students are all major players in this ignoble act. The process has blemished the university system and affected the quality of graduates produced by these universities. More worrisome is the fact that these students who obtained admission through the backdoor buy their way through the university.

As a matter of fact, every individual must realise that university admission should be based on merit. Nowadays, there are many average but rich students working on campus at the expense of brilliant students who deserve admission but due to their inability to pay the astronomical fees charged by racketeers are robbed of admission.

This paper therefore, examined the concept of admission racketeering, its issues in Nigerian universities and the way forward.

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