Most human activities generates garbage (Brunner and Rechberger, 2014). (Brunner and Rechberger, 2014). Despite that, the generation of wastes remain a major source of concern as it has always been since pre historic time (Chandler et al, 1997). (Chandler et al, 1997). In recent decades, the rate and quantity of trash generation have been on the increase. As the number of trash increases, so also does the variety of the waste increases (Vergara and Tchobanoglous, 2012). (Vergara and Tchobanoglous, 2012). Unlike the pre historic time , wastes were only a source of nuisance that needed to be disposed of. Proper management was not a major concern as the population was tiny and a great amount of land was available to the inhabitants at that time. The level of garbage created in those days was easily absorbed by the environment.
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