Background to the Study

The world is in a dispensation of great change and working in an Information Age, where managers have to assimilate masses of data, convert that data into information, form conclusions about that information for planning and making decisions leading to the achievement of business objectives. The place of information in an organization sense is complex. Information is very crucial for effective running of all organization. It is a basic and important resource needed to develop other resources in any thriving organization. Information is data that have been processed into meaningful and perceivable form for use by administrators and managers in planning and decision-making. In the same vein Eyitayo et a ( 2006) said information is data which has been processed in such a way as to be meaningful and useful to the person who receives it. Uhegbu (2001), held the view that information is a conveyor of knowledge, a change agent, a reinforcement of ideas and opinion.

The development and use of MIS is a modern phenomenon concerned with the use of appropriate information that will lead to a better decision making and organizational planning, hence better results Ali et a ( 2011). A manager‟s effectiveness is largely dependent on the existence and use of information system such as a management information system. Management information system gathers, process, store and disseminate relevant information to the appropriate levels of management to support their planning and decision making. O‟Brien (2003) reported that information supports every aspect of business activities and therefore provides organizations with knowledge to support their decision making responsibilities. Adebayo (2007) is of the opinion that if the relevant information required in a decision making process or an organizational planning is not available at the appropriate time then, there is a good chance to be a poor organizational planning, inappropriate decision making, poor priority of needs and defective programming of activities.

Management information system is an ever evolving and a useful integrated user-machine for providing information, supporting operations, management, analysis and decision making functions by utilizing computer hardware, software models and database. MIS is basically concerned with processing data into information which is then communicated to the various departments, in an organization for appropriate decision making. MIS provides several benefits to organizations some of which are: it provides effective and efficient means of coordination between departments, quick access to relevant data and documents; use of less labour; quick and reliable referencing; management of day-to-day operations and day-to-day assistance in a department and improvement in organizational and departmental techniques.

Various organizations have chosen to apply this system to their organizations. Management information systems have become a major function area of business administration. According to Heven et al ( 2004), information systems nowadays play a vital role in the e-business and e-commerce operations, enterprise and management and strategic success of the business. Despite the role MIS play in organization, some organization up till date still find it difficult to break even as a result of series of barrier

MIS is applied on different levels in the aviation industry. [21] On of them is the management  of security details. MIS manage and share all of the data that is collected in the several security  screenings in the airport. This begins at the airport entry points, where passengers are screened  by a system for weapons and narcotic substances. Security in the passage loungers is managed by a system as well. Airport staff is given a security pass that will give them access to restricted  places. All the passes in the airports are managed by an MIS.

MIS are also used in the management of emergencies. In case of an aircraft is experiencing  navigation problems, the systems are used to direct, control and help the pilot land the vessel  safely. In case of an accident, the air traffic officers and the MIS have a big responsibility in  search and rescue of the victims. The information systems are also used to contain other  airplanes to give room for a vessel in distress to land.

Last but not least, MIS is also applied in the industry to help train personnel. Information systems contain guides that the tutors can follow in training. New staff also have to be trained  in order to use the systems. Training of pilots is partly done in a simulator, which is based on  information systems to simulate real-life conditions.

Statement of Problem


Barriers pose serious problems to organizations as they rely on their employees to adapt to changes that will improve staff performance and productivity, however, the adaptation is usually slow, often difficult and sometimes even unsuccessful.

Management effectiveness is largely dependent on the existence and use of information for planning and decision making in an organization, therefore if the relevant information required in a decision making process or an organizational planning is not available at the appropriate time then, there is a good chance to be a poor organizational planning, inappropriate decision making, poor priority of needs and defective programming or scheduling of activities. The development and use of MIS in the modern organization became necessary as an efficient information management system creates, processes, and disseminates information that is critical to organizational performance. It ensures that information is available to the managers and other users in the form they want it and when they need it. This is why timely information is particularly central to effective decision making in an organization. Similarly, Reedy et al (2009), reported that information system is the mechanism to ensure that information is available to the managers in the form they want it and when they need it.

Despite the roles MIS play in supporting managers in information provision for an improved planning and decision making function, the level of awareness and use of this system by management of Air peace Airline appears to be very minimal. Preliminary investigation by the researcher revealed that information generation, process, storage and dissemination are carried out majorly through manual system. This made the researcher to ponder whether it is as a result of poor utilization of the management information system which leads to delay in information accessibility?.


It is against this backdrop that this study is being undertaken to determine the use of MIS in Air peace Airline, to identify the barriers to the use of MIS, to determine the impact of the use of MIS on the management work processes and to determine the extent of management reliance on MIS for their information needs.

Research Questions

For the purpose of this study, the following questions are set:

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