The impact of staff training on teaching and learning on students performance in selected secondary schools in Nigeria

The impact of staff training on teaching and learning on students performance in selected secondary schools,in obafemi owode local government area ogun


Secondary school teachers, as employees, play a great role in the education system of Nigeria. Their importance made me to conduct a study upon them so as to investigate the important aspect of training and development programmes as they sharpen their understanding hence motivate them and enhance students’ performance abilities. The study aimed at investigate the effects of teachers training and development to students’ performance in Nigeria Secondary schools, determining the extent the teachers training and development programmes on job improve performance, determine the extent the teachers experience on job improved performance and determining the way teachers commitment on their job improve job performance. The study used Obafemi Owode LGA as a case study area with 285 secondary schools from which the sample was selected. Respondents used in the study were both teachers and owners of secondary schools. The study had drawn 70 respondents of which 35 were from government and 35 from private schools. Privete and they were obtained using probabilistic sampling procedures. Respondents were given questionnaires and interviewed from which different answers were given. Most of the respondents agreed that the implementation of teachers’ training and development programmes affects the performance of learners in Nigeria. The research results found that the teachers training and development policies were not implement or not available at all in most of the sampled schools. The study recommended that the secondary schools’ stakeholders and investors should invest on training and developing of teacher employees as they affects the performance of the learners who need to have good and quality education. There should be training and development policies in each school as it was found that training and development policies were almost unavailable


Introduction This is an introduction chapter. It gives a general picture on the topic under study. The chapter begins by giving a background of secondary school teacher training and development problem in Nigeria; it further states the statement of the problem, the objectives and significance of the study


Teacher training and development problems can be traced earlier before independence. Cameroon and Dodd (1970) as cited in Mussika, state that during British administration, primary school teachers were trained through three levels. The first was Grade I or senior primary school teachers who spent two years in professional training after completing secondary education. The second level was grade II teachers who were recruited for standard six and their training lasted for four years, two years for general education and final two years for professional training. The third level was licensed teachers who had followed training and shown satisfactory standard of teaching.

Stephen and Crawley (1994) argue that teaching is a profession whose mission is to affect the change of peoples’ behaviour. This means that the teacher should be adoptive to a lot of knowledge and abilities to cope with changes and to be able to affect the understanding of the learners (specifically students). Rockoff (2004) and Kane, et al. (2006), as it is quoted in Harris and Tim (2008) discussed that the estimated effects of experience may be biased if sample attribution is not taken into account. For example, less effective teachers might be more likely to leave the profession 2 and this may give the appearance that experience raises teacher value-added when, in reality, less effective teachers are simply exiting the sample. Alternatively, selection could work in the opposite direction; more able teachers with higher opportunity costs may be more likely to leave the profession, leading to a spurious negative correlation between teacher experience and student achievement. One method of addressing the attribution issue is to include a teacher-specific effect, to control the unmeasured teacher ability, along with the experience measures.

The teacher specific effect should purge the influence of teacher time-invariant ability on experience, yielding unbiased estimates of the 7 marginal product of experience.

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