Animation as an Effective Learning tool For Primary School Pupils In Nigeria with Special Needs
Animation teaching is a device that has the features of both audio and visual presentations that are being used in the teaching/learning process for effective dissemination of knowledge; it involves the program or instruction to be delivered which are recorded in a video tape or disc. This method applies to both the sight and hearing senses of the learner thereby fostering the retentive memory and recalling ability of the learners. Animation teaching is able to use information from figurative point of view (i.e using an imagery representation rather than a symbolic description of facts) to build internal representation of phenomenon as supported by [14] Animation may be described as the rapid succession of pictures indicating a series of slides, appearance and disappearance of iconic element continually.
The benefits of animation for primary school pupils are;
- Emphasises development of pupils’ skills and understanding of creating and responding.
- Enables students to apply Imagination & Rational Thinking.
- Enables students to invent and explore multiple solutions to a problem.
- Enables pupils to understand the value of reflection and critical judgment in creative work.
- Facilitates positive peer interaction, including receiving and using feedback.
- Encourages self-motivation to create and problem solve.
- Uses artistic literacy as a natural enhancement to learning in other content areas.
- Fosters positive attitudes toward Art & Animation.
- Introduces career possibilities.
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